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Jan 20th 2020
One day after #GE2019, @guardian let Kenneth Stern (who drafted the #IHRA definition of Antisemitism) say if "[Jared] Kushner or I had been born into a Palestinian family displaced in 1948, we might have a different view of Zionism, & that need not be because we vilify Jews."
Kenneth Stern wrote in @guardian with readers in the #US in mind. He explained that @ZOA_National sees the #IHRA definition as stopping @NationalSJP from calling for ‘#intifada’. But he says @NationalSJP has the right to make “calls” he doesn't like. "That’s called free speech."
Here @BoardofDeputies has told candidates in the #LabourLeader elections to apply the #IHRA definition "with all its examples & clauses", "without qualification". But, as @JVoiceLabour explains, they don't require the #IHRA definition of others. Why not?…
Read 13 tweets
Jan 15th 2020
Whilst some of the Board of Deputies' #TenPledges to end the #antisemitism crisis are problematic and arguably contradictory, the ferocity of the response from many on the Labour left is unwarranted and reflects discriminatory attitudes towards Jewish community advocacy. /1
The BoD is being accused of arrogance and interference in the Labour Party's internal affairs as if the central issue highlighted by the pledges - antisemitism and our leadership's failure to tackle it - had absolutely nothing to do with the communities it represents. /2
From all the fuss, we might imagine the #TenPledges to be an initiative without precedent, but challenging political parties and election candidates to sign up to commitments of this type is a campaigning tactic used by many community bodies and campaign groups. /3
Read 12 tweets
Jan 13th 2020
THREAD on the changing attitudes to the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (#BDS) movement.

I’m NOT commenting upon the efficacy, morality or legitimacy of the (BDS) movement – just the shift in attitudes to it, especially within the @UKLabour party, since 2014.

Following yesterday’s announcement of the Board of Deputies’ #TenPledges, & the near universal & uncritical acceptance of it by #LabourLeadership candidates, I want to say something about the profound shift in attitudes to BDS within @UKLabour, since 2014.
Legitimate & proportionate criticism of some of the actions of the Israeli govt can & still too often do too easily slide into comments which are understandably construed as antisemitic. ALL of us on the left must obviously try to avoid this.
Read 22 tweets

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