Straticus #FBR🌈 PhDemocrat Profile picture
Manhattan native, PhD Psychology Deviancy and Aberrant Behavior, Member of ACTUP-NY, married 29 years to my husband, Alfonso
Mar 25, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
1. @S3333Angel I'd love to run a report showing the correlation between the ramping up of @mtgreenee's vile hate speech targeting specific demographics (which she still insists is her 1st Amendment right) to see if there was a proportionate increass in shootings against said 2. minorities. Extreme care would have to be taken to keep the data pure and as unbiased as possible. I know EXACTLY the right lady to call. We were trembling first year Master's candidates at U of T together. A more brilliant mind I've never known. She's at M.I.T. of course.
Mar 16, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
This just arrived in my email for some reason
Dear American patriot,
Right now, while we speak
The Democrats are rigging the 2024 presidential election Attempting to guarantee a victory for their anti-American policies. See exactly how they’re doing it HERE. Not only that… 2. You’ see how to turn the tables on the Dems…
 By using the little-known “Chaos Rally” wealth-building strategy...
 To profit from the carnage they’ll bring...See every detail you need HERE now.
 To your new wealth,
Jim Rickards
Nov 4, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
@monyro5 @GrandpaSnarky @EllaLeeUK @DebraMc06839102 @pc_chicago @TrudyLH20 @chrisRay121 @MacLinx @marynlm @tga_tgoodfellow @patriciaselfies @gracehanks @Damaan4u33 @pwrj @bexmg @Djones95953537 @CharlevoixDems B. everyone knew for sure. It was tainted. How did we know? You guys remember Ryan White? Bravest person id ever known. There was a fairly large group of straight @monyro5 @GrandpaSnarky @EllaLeeUK @DebraMc06839102 @pc_chicago @TrudyLH20 @chrisRay121 @MacLinx @marynlm @tga_tgoodfellow @patriciaselfies @gracehanks @Damaan4u33 @pwrj @bexmg @Djones95953537 @CharlevoixDems C. Teenaged boys (about 300 or so) on Long Island who suddenly began dying. Their common thread was that they were all hemophiliacs. Women carry the gene. Males get the disease. The only source of the clotting factor was the Red Cross. We even wrote the possible implementation
Aug 8, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
@dazzz0753 @OccupyDemocrats 1. When did any of them begin caring about their constituents? We're talking about a collection of opportunistic felons who are far more interested in their own enrichment. In WV, there's a Rethug law maker who tries to make perhaps the most offensive reason against abortion, @dazzz0753 @OccupyDemocrats 2. under any circumstances. I hope none of you is holding anything sharp. He asserts that *most*, not some, not many, but MOST rape victims will romanticize the experience, and consider their rapists to be their boyfriends. Hence, this violation falls into the realm of
Aug 6, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Oh oh ;*( Door Dash just added these guys to their already decadent line up. Am I hallucinating? Am I reading these prices correctly?? I'm gonna order one right now to see. I'll shoot it before I even take a sip. Now. What flaor...reading menu
Jul 18, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
#MAGA #MAGA2024 #MAGAmericaIsNotAmerica @S3333Angel
1. I write this with a full heart, and as an educational--NOT propaganda at ALL--outreach for those willing to learn more about the very complex nature of transgenderism. No editorializing. Just a recommendation to watch the 2. most illustrative, informative and honest representation. The series is called "I Am Jazz" it's in 7 full seasons streaming on TLC. If you have Amazon Prime you can reach TLC through the Discovery+ Channel. If only one person learns the story of this very real phenomenon,
Jul 16, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
1. I just watched a long and very painful program about the Reconstruction Era, specifically regarding the "black lists" that were issued against literate, educated black men and women. Historically, black people were not allowed to read, write, or even own a book because of 2. anti-literacy laws. Anti-literacy laws made it illegal for enslaved and free people of color to read or write. I knew nothing about these lists, which gave license to the Klan and other hate groups to hunt and kill at will. I knew the Reconstruction was a very difficult
Oct 23, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
1. I was told i was too hard on @Sen_JoeManchin. Really?
A. 12 weeks paid family/med leave. GONE. It's now 4 weeks. Better bond quickly to your newborn.
B. Permanent extension of child tax credit. GONE. You get ONE year
C. Universal pre-K for 3 and 4 yr olds stays IN but (more) 2. those kids better get super well educated because free Comm. College is OUT. But don't worry! They're making it way more affordable. A liw income sturnt could get a Pell grant for ~$6k, but no more. They're giving these students $500. Yay!
D. Vision, dental, hearing (more)
Oct 12, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
1. You never learn, do you. You knew nothing about tbe Holocaust because you can't read, you ended up getting in a nasty jam, and we were forced to listen to your teary eyed apology. A thoughtful person might have learned something. But not Majorly Traitor Greene 2. Nope, you've done it again. For those of us who read, there are easily attainable historic records, such as diaries and letters, that serve as factual historical record. Since the truth has never been important to you, you just ignore them, and make up your own story
Oct 11, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
1. Saw a new client saturday. 1st appt. Male, 50s, white. I like to chat for 15 mins or so to get a read. After he's good and warmed up, he says "get this!" as if I were a compatriot. He goes on and on about his neighbors raising their 6 year old boy as a girl. Oh no, I think... 2. After 15 minutes, i told him that I was going to refer him to a colleague of mine instead. He became defensive, and asked why. I thought a bit, wanting to frame this just right. I asked him, "do you believe that a 6 year old is sexually aware, or understands gender complexity?
Oct 1, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
You're going to be hearing that the Socialist Progressives are gumming up the works, preventing the infrastructure bill from passing. Thats only partially true, and ill try and be brief. 2. 2 bills. One crap, the bipartisan 1.5TR bill, stripped away the climate change, extended child credits, free 2 years community college, dental and eye inclusions to medicare. All the good stuff, which we all need.
Oct 1, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Do NOT be fooled if you hear that the Progressives are balling up the works. The bipartisan bill, which is nothing more than a corporate handout, allowing privatization of corporate industry. This means no regulation. No upgrading resources for optimal function. TX saw how well 2. that worked, remember that? The bill has been stripped of ANY tax increase on the richest corps and people in the country. None of the climate change issues are in the bill. So here's how this works: If the bipartisan crap bill passes the house and senate BEFORE the good bill
Sep 29, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
@GovAbbott is officially the most disgusting male alive. Lets talk about government tyranny. The right are screaming that its government tyranny for companies to mandate vaccine to keep workers alive. What about a 14 year old girl who's been raped by her grandfather, being FORCED 2. to carry that foetus to term, in spite if the debilitating trauma and shame. Somehow, abbott doesn't see this as tyranny of any kind. This is the most blatant example of tyranny facing us as a nation. Wise mr abbott says that he's forming a "rape task force" to give support to
Jul 12, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
1. @mtgreenee doesn't seem to retain her life lessons. After her absurd apologetic vid saying that she'd never make such a comparison again, merely 3 weeks later, she's at it again. Now she's calling the NON GOVERNMENT volunteers canvassing neighborhoods vaccine Brown Shirts. 2. First of all, the Brown Shirts were Nazi Gestapo adherents who terrorized and killed innocent people. Second, nobody is forcing anyone to take the vaccine, they are there to educate people about the Delta and Panda strains. Did you know that only .01% if vaccinated folk became
Mar 24, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
@madliberalmom @liberty_or_dth @FreeSpeechAmer 1. Liberty or death, after giving your sarcastic post more thought, I have a few well chosen words for you. You've no idea what we accomplished with ACTUP-NYC, and judging me as a "poser resister" is offensive and intolerable. Read about how we brought the RedCross to its knees. @madliberalmom @liberty_or_dth @FreeSpeechAmer 2. All of their blood reserve was tainted. They refused to implenent any meaningful testing because it would throttle their revenue stream. By applying constant, noisy and very disruptive resistance, WE BEAT THEM. They finally agreed to comprehensive testing and the blood reserve
Mar 2, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
1. Sadly, our great hope is just another corporate Democrat. Even @BernieSanders, the man who fought endlessly for the $15 minimum wage has decided not to include it in the covid relief bill. 2. How do we continue to hope for change when those upon whom we've given our trust are giving in? Where do we go? Whom do we trust?
Feb 11, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
What were witnessing is not a trial in any form of the word. 1. We're watching a political proceeding. We're watching an "impeachment confirmation hearing." Josh Hawley had his feet up on his desk while the prosecution displayed very damming proof of guilt. He was reading a paper 2. After the prosecution's we'll prepared opener, out waltzed the bottom of the barrel of lazy, haphazard "lawyers" who's opening statement was saying that they had to rethink their strategy because of the powerful arguments presented by the prosecution. Really?
Dec 7, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
@ossoff @ReverendWarnock #FBR #FBRParty #Resist #Resisters @sargy1703 @S3333Angel
1. "I adamantly oppose the Black Lives Matter political movement, which has advocated for the defunding of police. They also advocate violence and destruction across the country.”--Kelly Loeffler 2. Let's have a closer look. First, neither Joe Biden or Kamala Harris has ever advocated to defund the police. That would be sheer idiocy. This trope was picked up as a calculated talking point in order for #Trunt to stir up his base into a frenzy, and to continue the hatred.