Susannah Fox Profile picture
Author, "Rebel Health: A Field Guide to the Patient-Led Revolution in Medical Care" (@MITPress 2024): She/her SusannahRFox on🧵
Sep 30, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
"The patients treated with [Amylyx] experienced a 25% slower rate of decline in performing essential activities such as walking, talking and cutting food compared with those receiving a placebo." When ALS news breaks, I turn to on-the-ground experts who follow every twist & turn, like @alsadvocacy
Mar 31, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
On #TransDayOfVisibility I want to lift up the voices of trans young people who shared how they use social media & digital tools to pursue health & resilience (thread)

Full report: #CopingWithCovid @Hopelab @CommonSense @CHCFNews @vjrideout… "I guess just seeing people expressing themselves the way they want makes me happy because I can't really do that." —14-year-old non-binary, trans person #CopingWithCovid #TDOV
Mar 12, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Re-reading: LET PATIENTS HELP, by @ePatientDave + @DrDannySands (because I learn something new every time)… Since I'm a card-carrying geek who likes to read footnotes and click, click, click until I get to the original source, I finally read a classic paper by Warner Slack, MD, and cited by @ePatientDave + @DrDannySands…
Mar 1, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Thank you for 6 years of learning & laughter! #TechTonics Thanks to @VentureValkyrie and @DShaywitz I got to learn from some of the superstars of health & technology - here are some of my favorite shows & guests...
Feb 23, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
A friend of a friend was recently diagnosed with #LongCovid. She is receiving good clinical care but asked for recommendations for where she could find #PeerHealthAdvice. Here's what I wrote back (and yes, I'm looking for feedback & more suggestions!): The @itsbodypolitic COVID-19 support group is a useful #LongCovid resource:
Aug 24, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
If it's @zeynep appreciation day, please let me join in! [THREAD] In 2014, many of us were shocked and dismayed by a cruel and senseless attack on @AdamsLisa, who was living with metastatic breast cancer. @zeynep wrote one of the best take-downs in response:…
Aug 23, 2020 14 tweets 5 min read
I’m reflecting on a challenging week as a caregiver for an elder who lives 3 hours away from me. Thanks to luck and preparation, he is OK. [THREAD] I want to share resources for anyone who has family members living alone -- young, old, and in-between. If we had not done the work to prepare for a crisis, my loved one may not have survived this week.
Oct 15, 2019 9 tweets 9 min read
@S4PM Like a swimmer coming to the surface for oxygen I am finally out of my meetings and can say THANK YOU for the wonderful surprise of the award! #S4PM2019 @S4PM Thanks to @ePatientDave and @WheezyNurse for helping me send a message, which I want to share here, too:
Mar 5, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
A conference organizer emailed to ask for advice about topics, speakers, and panelists for an event focused on patient-controlled data sharing. Here are some of the ideas I shared (thread)... The @quantifiedself movement is full of people with ideas about capturing and controlling their own data, then using it to solve problems
Mar 4, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
Nine out of ten U.S. teens & young adults with moderate to severe depressive symptoms say they have gone online for information on mental health issues (compared to 48% of those without depressive symptoms) Young people lounge on couches and chairs while looking at their phones and talking with each other. 75% of teens & young adults with moderate to severe depressive symptoms say they have watched, listened to, or read people sharing about their health experiences online (compared to 54% of those with no depressive symptoms) - @Hopelab @WellBeingTrust study
Feb 28, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
Checking out @RealTalkAppNC "a community for teens packed with real stories about cringey moments" - example of #PeerHealthAdvice More teens use Instagram than Twitter so it's smart that @RealTalkAppNC has a robust presence there: #PeerHealthAdvice
Feb 25, 2019 7 tweets 4 min read
Kudos to @wbur, @healthblawg, and @ESchattner for explaining in plain language why Facebook is a lifeline - and a hazard - for patients & caregivers People's eyes often glaze over when we geeks talk about health privacy, but this is important: A Facebook loophole allowed marketers to discover the names of people in private groups
Feb 22, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
I was recently asked what trends I pay attention to, what makes me hopeful or despairing about health & tech. Today’s examples… Hopeful: ONC's Proposed Rule On Information Blocking: The Potential To Accelerate Innovation In Health Care by @SavageLucia…
Feb 17, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
The Instant, Custom, Connected Future of Medical Devices <- catching up on recent (fabulous) #InventHealth examples There's something in that @nytimes story for everyone: #wearenotwaiting for innovation in diabetes tech; "smart pills" and bottles; mobility aids -- even mention of the bogeyman of device innovation: Theranos
Feb 8, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
In the aftermath of a flood, residents support one another in ways that mental health experts say are critical for coping with disasters - great reporting by @livia_ar "Some people are in trouble, and other people have the tools to help them. Why wouldn’t they?" - another great story of peer help, by @GrahamDavidA…
Feb 3, 2019 7 tweets 4 min read
Shared today in my personal #foodallergy community group:
Food allergies are on the rise, but new science offers new solutions, by @SeattleMamaDoc…? "'Babies aren't born with food allergies, they develop them.' I hope things are so simple as this doctor says." - parent who shared the article. Quick thread on what I wrote back (first disclosing that I advise @BEFOREBrands)...