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Feb 23rd 2021
A friend of a friend was recently diagnosed with #LongCovid. She is receiving good clinical care but asked for recommendations for where she could find #PeerHealthAdvice. Here's what I wrote back (and yes, I'm looking for feedback & more suggestions!):
The @itsbodypolitic COVID-19 support group is a useful #LongCovid resource:
One advantage of @itsbodypolitic is their affiliation with @patientled research for #LongCovid which is tracking disease progression and publishing studies that get attention from the World Health Organization and NIH
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Mar 4th 2019
Nine out of ten U.S. teens & young adults with moderate to severe depressive symptoms say they have gone online for information on mental health issues (compared to 48% of those without depressive symptoms) Young people lounge on couches and chairs while looking at their phones and talking with each other.
75% of teens & young adults with moderate to severe depressive symptoms say they have watched, listened to, or read people sharing about their health experiences online (compared to 54% of those with no depressive symptoms) - @Hopelab @WellBeingTrust study
Half of teens & young adults with moderate to severe depressive symptoms have tried to find people online with similar health concerns (compared to 27% of those who report no depressive symptoms) - @Hopelab @WellBeingTrust #PeerHealthAdvice
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Feb 28th 2019
Checking out @RealTalkAppNC "a community for teens packed with real stories about cringey moments" - example of #PeerHealthAdvice
More teens use Instagram than Twitter so it's smart that @RealTalkAppNC has a robust presence there: #PeerHealthAdvice
Teens are often looking for a "just in time someone like me" to advise them on health and relationship issues…
Read 4 tweets
Feb 25th 2019
Kudos to @wbur, @healthblawg, and @ESchattner for explaining in plain language why Facebook is a lifeline - and a hazard - for patients & caregivers
People's eyes often glaze over when we geeks talk about health privacy, but this is important: A Facebook loophole allowed marketers to discover the names of people in private groups
- 68% of U.S. adults use Facebook
- 51% of U.S. teens use Facebook
Read 7 tweets
Feb 17th 2019
The Instant, Custom, Connected Future of Medical Devices <- catching up on recent (fabulous) #InventHealth examples
There's something in that @nytimes story for everyone: #wearenotwaiting for innovation in diabetes tech; "smart pills" and bottles; mobility aids -- even mention of the bogeyman of device innovation: Theranos
3-D printers can create patient-specific medical devices, like knee joints, in one-fifth to one-tenth of the time that traditional custom-made devices are made (!)
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Feb 8th 2019
In the aftermath of a flood, residents support one another in ways that mental health experts say are critical for coping with disasters - great reporting by @livia_ar
"Some people are in trouble, and other people have the tools to help them. Why wouldn’t they?" - another great story of peer help, by @GrahamDavidA…
#PeerHealthAdvice is right in line with these stories of communities rallying around people in need. What's the personal hurricane that you're going through? There are people who want to help.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 3rd 2019
Shared today in my personal #foodallergy community group:
Food allergies are on the rise, but new science offers new solutions, by @SeattleMamaDoc…?
"'Babies aren't born with food allergies, they develop them.' I hope things are so simple as this doctor says." - parent who shared the article. Quick thread on what I wrote back (first disclosing that I advise @BEFOREBrands)...
#Foodallergy parents likely remember this 2013 profile of Dr. Kari Nadeau of Stanford, which made a huge splash in our world: The Allergy Buster
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