TC (Tirthankar Chakraborty) Profile picture
Scientist at @PNNLab; @Yale PhD '21 | earth science | remote sensing | urban climate | aerosols | Earth Engine | geospatial | ML | Personal opinions abound.
Jul 31, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
🚨In our just published paper in #RemoteSensing of Environment, we propose a new dynamic equal-area (DEA) method to estimate #urban #heat island (UHI) intensity, & use it to develop a #global UHI dataset, which includes both air #temperature (or canopy) UHI & surface UHI. [1/n] Image The UHI is the temperature difference between an urban cluster & its corresponding background reference area (BRA).

To generate urban clusters, we use the #city clustering algorithm on the MODIS #landcover product from 2001 to 2021, with a final set of 10,196 clusters. [2/n] Image
Sep 20, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
Although future #warming will affect #vegetation, the big draw of this paper is the specific impact on #urban #forests. However, I would take quantitative estimates made with these #models with a grain of salt since they don't provide "true" urban climate signals. [1/n] The study uses projections from 10 Global Climate Models (#GCMs) over 164 #cities; comparing modeled variables relevant to species survival against baseline values to predict future risk. A big issue is that most of these GCMs do not represent cities in any meaningful way. [2/n]