Scott Phillips Profile picture
Investor. Business person. CIO @themotleyfoolau. Director @cityrecitalhall Holdings:
Sep 24, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
This... is not even close to enough, but it's something (assuming the government doesn't wimp out).


Negative Gearing should be scrapped (but grandfathered) for residential property.

CGT discount should be scrapped, and returned to indexation.

A short 🧵


#auspol Image I'll touch on the reported 'considerations' and what's missing.


Govt is reportedly considering a limit to the number of properties that can be NGed. That sounds good, but is close to useless.

Why? If 10 people own 10 each or 50 people own 2 each, there's no difference

Jun 29, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
I was wrong.

That's not a comfortable sentence, but it's true.

For a very long time, I've been against *all* political donations, in favour of public funding.

But, as it stands, if we flicked that switch tomorrow, it'd be bad for our democracy.

A 🧵on why:


#auspol I haven't changed my view that money is corrosive in politics.

But I listened to the audiobook of The Big Teal by @simonahac while I was driving through rural SA, today.

And it hit me like a tonne of bricks. With his permission, I'm sharing large swathes of one section.

May 22, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
I want to share some data. Many people will jump to one of two thoughts: "Aha, I was right", or 'Yeah, but..." based on preconceptions. I want you to hold back on that :)

Here are some retail sales stats, showing that two things can be true at the same time.

A 🧵


#ausbiz Are retail sales good or bad? Yes :)


Retail sales for March 2024 were up by a relatively poor 0.85%, year-on-year, in seasonally adjusted terms.

*And* up 5.5% per annum compounded (30.8% in total) over the past 5 years.

2/n Image
Mar 29, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
Fixing the budget? Raising more funds?

They didn't ask me.

Which is good, because I'm neither 'top', nor an 'economist'.

And you didn't ask, either.

But I've never let that stop me, so here goes.

But first, I think 'efficiency' is a grossly overrated objective.

1/n It's an academic wet dream (with genuine respect for our academics), but it's rarely as pragmatic as it should be.

I'd put fairness and effectiveness way above efficiency.

Mar 8, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
We need to stop the 'RBA Governor is out of touch' rubbish

Sustained high inflation is much worse than temporarily high(er) interest rates

You want his head on a pike for looking after the country?

Yet you're not taking the pollies to task for fiscal policy?

#ausbiz #auspol What would you have Lowe do?

Let inflation run rampant?

It's not like there is a good choice and a bad choice.

There are two bad choices. One is slightly less bad.

That's where we are.
Feb 7, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Look, the tabloid responses are easy. And no-one likes the pain caused by rate rises. But here's the thing:

1. Inflation, left to spiral, will destroy our standard of living.

2. Higher rates, temporarily, beat higher prices, permanently

3. Of course it's painful.

4. It's also unfair that the burden falls where it does

5. The RBA has few other options: either high inflation or high rates

6. The choice is easy (see 1. and 2. above)

Feb 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Truly dystopian.

A 35 year mortgage.

Let that sink in.

When I bought my first unit, the max length was 25 years.

A 40% increase in duration in a couple of decades.

And a huge additional interest burden.

Exhibit #3522 in 'Housing policy in Australia is broken'

#ausbiz Making housing *more affordable* by adding 5 years and $115k in repayments would do Orwell proud.

So you can:

- Raid Super
- Extend your mortgage
- Get money from the government (which pushes prices up)
- Let the government own some of your house

That, apparently, is 'policy'.
Sep 6, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
The rates conversation is - should be - complex.

Some thoughts, in an interest rate 🧵

#ausbiz #rates #RBA

There's a decent 'chart crime' - or at least a meaningful misdemeanour - on the AFR's homepage this morning:

Aug 17, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Today is Vietnam Veterans Day,

We remember those who served, suffered and died; those who made the ultimate sacrifice, those who bore the physical scars of their service, and those who returned, but never really left.

Welcome Home.

Lest We Forget.

Why today?

Australians commemorate Vietnam Veterans Day on the anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan, on this day in 1966.
May 19, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Today's editorials in the @smh and @FinancialReview come to different conclusions, but with the same frustration that neither party has any stated policy ambition.

This, from the SMH, captures it nicely.

#auspol #ausbiz

1/n @smh @FinancialReview We have the toughest economic outlook in decades (COVID was a surprise), and neither party has a serious plan to lift productivity or to drive economic growth.

Neither party has a serious plan that goes far enough on climate.

May 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
For all of the problems of democratic capitalism - and there are plenty -- don't miss the forest for the trees.

Don't get sucked into the false binary choice between neoliberalism or socialism.

Capitalism works.

It needs to be well (better!) regulated but it works.

#ausbiz The for-and-against arguments centre on extreme views:

"It's better than socialism"


"It's not working properly"

Newsflash: Both are true.

But throwing out the baby with the bathwater would be a crazy outcome.

Argue for a better system. Improve the system.
Apr 5, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
The cost of living is rising and will continue to do so as interest rates rise in the not-too-distant future.

So here are some ways to save, if you're interested (no pun intended).

A 🧵

#personalfinance #saving #money #CostOfLiving Get a better interest rate.

Seriously, #getabetterrate

Almost by definition, given the hundreds of loan products available, you're paying too much.

Your bank doesn't deserve your loyalty and you could save thousands.

Do your research. Then call them. Today.
Mar 22, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
This is about reason #35 why we should reform taxation of Super payments.

Keep franking credits, but tax *all* income (including the pension) using marginal rates above a generous tax-free threshold.

1/n Set the tax free threshold for over 65s above the pension level (essentially meaning the pension would be untaxed), but if there's extra income, from working, Super or anything else, it gets taxed at a marginal rate.

Mar 20, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
We lionise the artist, but give precious little attention to the craftsperson.

I think that's both a shame and a big mistake, in terms of fairness and, perhaps more importantly, what we can learn.

A short thread. 🧵 I love artists.

The sheer creativity and innate ability to conceive of something unique where there was nothing is incredible.

Now, I'm no art connoisseur, but in a business sense think of the vision of someone like Steve Jobs, or some of the great inventors like Edison