Tereza Hendl Profile picture
Philosopher / (health) justice, critiques of East-West hierarchies of knowledge / @CEE_feminisms & art / @associationruta spokesperson Ї she/they/Dr
5 subscribers
Mar 8, 2023 23 tweets 6 min read
Last year, I wrote a text on transnational feminist solidarity, asking questions of the Western and Global South feminists who signed 'anti-war' manifestos, which did not support Ukrainian self-defence against a Russian military invasion

The questions 🧵
#InternationalWomensDay The various feminist anti-war manifestos written last year all appeared to be well-meant and yet, while presented as solidarity with Ukrainians, most were not authored with Ukrainian feminists and centred around their agency and demands. Hence the questions...
Sep 21, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
It’s intriguing how much focus there is right now on the Baltic countries not providing an entry to Russians who want to run away from mobilization… why would countries violently occupied by Russia serve as reservoirs for Russians who might want to escape and disassociate? 1/5 In the last 7 months, plenty of Russians ran abroad and they haven’t done much of substance to protest the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the genocide of Ukrainians. There has been a handful of protests and even some of those seemed quite self-serving rather than pro-Ukrainian
Sep 20, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
This is a rather illuminating read, with links to research investigating the organized disinformation campaign against women’s & gender liberation and racial justice movements, as fueled by Russia. This text is best to read alongside another article… buff.ly/3f3OfJi But perhaps first of all, here’s the NYT article unlocked - thank you for providing free access to it!
Sep 3, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
I’ve seen too much pseudo-progressive street art committing this kind of oppressive pacifism, denying the lived reality of Ukrainians under Russia’s military invasion and effectively perpetuating genocide denialism. This art actually does symbolic violence… 🧵 to Ukrainians and all those who have been victimized, harmed and oppressed in the long history of Russian imperialism. It does gross injustice to their experiences, pain, liberation struggles & needs for self-defense against Russia’s brutal violence. It is not only cringeworthy…
Aug 9, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
The disaster of the @amnesty report on Russia-occupied Ukraine is unravelling into new lows, raising further concerns over incompetent, unethical, colonial and harmful research methods & practices and a striking lack of consideration of core concerns of research ethics 🧵 The Stratcom Centre UA raises alarms that some of the interviews might have been conducted on Russia-occupied territories of Ukraine, including filtration camps and jails, and hence, carried out under pressure and oversight by the occupying RU forces
Jun 10, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
Heading to the 11th European Feminist Research Conference? A warm invitation to our panel on East-Central European feminist visions for a just future, that we’ll run with Zuzana Uhde, Ewa Majewska, Magdalena Górska, @KrivonosDaria, @CEE_Feminisms, particularly @Ileana_voix 🧵 The conference theme is social change and we have put together a panel investigating how social change has been dealt with in European feminist debates, whose concerns and struggles have these debates investigated and addressed, and how. See bellow for brief abstracts
May 9, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The Russian Feminist Anti-War Movement is distancing itself from the international ‘Feminists against War’ manifesto that claims to be somehow continuing the legacy of the call launched by Russian feminist groups…👇🧵 The lack of a clear support for UA self-defence in the RU feminist antiwar manifesto is among the reasons why I’m no big fan of the RU manifesto either. I see that RU feminists say it could be read as treason but now they’re having to clarify themselves against misappropriation…
May 5, 2022 27 tweets 6 min read
We need to talk about epistemic injustice, lack of a decolonial analysis & consequent failures & harms, particularly within ‘well meant’ and seemingly progressive debates. This interview with Butler sadly offers material for this much warranted discussion🧵en.ara.cat/culture/am-hop… Let me start by saying that I’ve appreciated much of Butler’s work & their theorizing on sex, gender, sexuality & power has informed my thinking on these subjects & I’ve engaged with it in my own work. So this critique comes from a place of prior respect, yet, it must be voiced..
Apr 25, 2022 20 tweets 7 min read
A 🧵 for the anti-war feminists who argue against backing Ukrainian defence: an initiative delivering medication to survivors of Russian army’s sexual violence, helping women, girls & fellow survivors to prevent unwanted pregnancy and access safe abortion, that I've supported.. …asked donors to send money to the UA defence because without pushing the occupying RU & allied armies out of Ukraine, there is currently no way to reach many women, girls and fellow people who have been raped and to stop & prevent their rape and murder. A reality check. So..
Apr 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
One wonders if many Germans know that in East-Central Europe & the Baltic countries, protests are being held next to Russian AND German embassies.. that’s the level of DE govt damage to Germany’s reputation and European relations. Who knows all the consequences that will follow… Here’s Vilnius weeks ago, after the Bucha massacre… let that sink in
Apr 22, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I keep hearing that it’s just a few individuals behind the shameful German response to Russian imperial & genocidal violence.. I got questions: what has enabled these individuals to hold this power? What has enabled decades of epistemic injustice to half of Europe’s concerns? What is the ‘majority’ of Germans doing to manifest that the positions and actions of the ‘minority’ in the government are not in their name and to pressure the government to change the direction swiftly and right the wrongs? We have witnessed too much awkward silence & inaction!
Mar 10, 2022 28 tweets 10 min read
Many vital texts came out on the problems with #westsplaining, coloniality and the denial of a voice, agency & self-determination in debates on Ukraine, Central & Eastern Europe, highlighting the need for anti-imperialist, anticolonial & antipatriarchal debates & politics - a🧵 Here’s an investigation of westsplaining in US debates by @jan_smolenski and @jan_dutkiewicz: “Speaking about Eastern Europe and Eastern Europeans without listening to local voices or trying to understand the region’s complexity is a colonial projection.” newrepublic.com/article/165603…
May 20, 2021 10 tweets 6 min read
On the #COVID19 pandemic implications of Israel's bombing of Gaza: where are fellow scholars in #bioethics, #PublicHealthEthics, #PandemicHealth and #GlobalHealth raising the alarm about this urgent health issue? 1/10 In February, Doctors Without Borders @MSF stated: "you are over 60 times more likely to have a vaccination in Israel than in Palestine. Israel has a responsibility as an occupying power to ensure the medical supplies of the occupied people" msf.org/stark-inequali… 2/10