BC Teachers’ Federation past president, she/her. Mom to three and Noni to 5 adorable grandchildren. Bereaved mother. RT's are not necessarily endorsations.
3 subscribers
Dec 12, 2020 • 18 tweets • 8 min read
Dear Colleagues,
With just one week remaining before the winter break, we are all looking forward more than ever to a couple of weeks of respite from the intense duties of teaching, which are even more overwhelming in pandemic times. 1/ #bced
Like teachers everywhere, we have had to face so many additional challenges this year. Constant handwashing &mask-wearing, pivoting to online learning, upholding health and safety protocols, struggling with tech issues, adapting to different school schedules &the list goes on. 2/
The #Covid_19 pandemic has drastically changed our personal & professional lives this year. As we adapt to working in this extraordinary time of change, please know your Federation is keeping your needs and your rights at the forefront. 1/
The @bctf & your local unions are aware of the unique health and safety concerns faced by TTOCs as schools reopen and classes resume. We also know that the government’s back to school plan is insufficient and doesn’t include enough protections for teachers or students. 2/
Sep 3, 2020 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
Dear Minister Fleming:
Many people in BC were heartened when the federal government announced on August 26, 2020 that BC would receive over $242 million as part of the Safe Return to Class Fund.
That funding is a gamechanger for BC’s K–12 restart plan, and could be used in a proactive way to address many of the health and safety concerns teachers and parents have as the school year is about to start.
Aug 20, 2020 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Dear colleagues,
When the government first announced their K–12 restart plan on July 29, the @bctf expressed significant concerns that the plan needed more work. 1/
bctf.ca/NewsReleases.a… #bced#bcpoli
Since that time, @bctf leadership has been working with the government’s steering committee to raise awareness of the plan’s shortcomings. In addition, 25 of our teaching colleagues have been raising concerns & solutions on the working groups to make the plan better. 2/
Aug 10, 2020 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
There is some good guidance for #bced from the PHAC. Recommendations include, smaller classes, physical distancing (including within learning groups) and #NMM for staff and students 10 and older.
Here are some other important takeaways: 1/
The PHAC recognizes the need for consultation with staff, students and parents and enhanced communication at all levels. (This is important both provincially and at the district level. Unions need to be included in all planning discussions from the beginning.) 2/
Aug 8, 2020 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
In these challenging times government has the responsibility to make the necessary &pressing improvements to #bced that will re-orient public education funding to fully reflect the needs of students, classrooms, &schools as community hubs. We must act boldly &for the long-term. 1
Good will on the part of everyone in the system will, we are sure, allow for the establishment of a new equilibrium, where schools and students across the province have what they need to flourish and thrive. 2/
Jul 25, 2020 • 19 tweets • 4 min read
Update on Ministry K-12 Education Restart Committees:
We hope that you are taking some time to enjoy your summer and spending time with family and friends inside your safe bubbles. 1/
As you may be aware,25 teachers are hard at work on4 Ministry working groups this summer to provide the voice of teachers in the planning process for Sept. The @bctf advocated for the inclusion of a broad range of reps from our members and we were pleased the Ministry agreed.2/
Jun 27, 2020 • 17 tweets • 4 min read
I want to thank you for all your incredible work this spring. A lot was asked of you! First to move to emergency remote learning so quickly, and then to return on June 1 to a blended model of in-class and remote teaching. 1/ #bced
I recognize that you have worked many additional hours since March, in order to meet the needs of your students. This is appreciated, but not sustainable. 2/
Jun 4, 2020 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
The @bctf denounces the violence we have all witnessed against Black community members.
The murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis in broad daylight is the most recent manifestation of police brutality against African Americans. 1/
This latest murder has added to a long list of murders &violence toward Black people at the hands of law enforcement, that has now reached a tipping point. Untold numbers of people are taking to the streets in the USA&Canada to protest the ongoing violence against Black lives 2/
May 30, 2020 • 17 tweets • 8 min read
With schools set to reopen to more students on June 1, I know there are concerns about health and safety and your rights as workers. The @bctf & our locals have been working to ensure SDs have done enough to ensure schools are safe for teachers, support staff, and students. 1/
Throughout this entire process, the @bctf has pushed for high standards of health and safety and were successful in getting provincial standards established to reopen. The @bctf is continuing to ensure your concerns are heard and to advocate for changes as necessary. /2
May 15, 2020 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
We know many @bctf members are feeling anxious &stressed about the government’s plan to expand in-school instruction. There is still more work to do &we will be working with local unions to ensure we get you the most up-to-date and accurate information as soon as possible./1
We know how hard you have been working during this initial phase of emergency remote learning. Your creativity and commitment to your students is inspiring and is making a huge difference in the lives of many children and youth. Thank you. 2/
May 9, 2020 • 27 tweets • 6 min read
Earlier this week, the Premier made an announcement about BC’s plan to slowly start reopening the economy and various public services. While we still don’t have the specifics about what that means for schools and teachers’ work, the @bctf is working hard on members’ behalf. 1/
Health & safety is the top priority. We are working closely with officials at the Ministry of Education as they develop provincial health safety standards. Remember, the best source of accurate information is @bctf & your local teachers’ association. /2