Writer/editor. UNCW alum. Chocoroom eater. Semi-sane Reddit mod. Alleged bad guy. Eevee enthusiast. Total conundrum. 🦏
Mar 5, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
So is the Sweet Baby, Inc. thing gonna start Gamergate 2: Electric Boogaloo?

'Cause I got a feeling that this'll be framed as a "harassment campaign" pretty soon... Here we go...
From Kotaku: "Sweet Baby Inc. Doesn’t Do What Some Gamers Think It Does"…
May 24, 2022 56 tweets 10 min read
This is the old thread I used to respond to whenever #GunControlNow was trending. It's outdated, and I wanna do a comprehensive thread now. So here's a new one. Everybody tweeting #GunControlNow or #GunReformNow, lemme run through all the arguments and explain to you why they're wrong. I'm only here to educate, nothing more. You're allowed to disagree, but read through everything first. Let's roll.
Nov 6, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
>Trump told his supporters not to vote by mail, that's why the mail-in ballots are swinging for Biden!
Trump said he thought vote-by-mail wasn't secure, and presented an opportunity for widespread voter fraud. This is why Trump voters came out in person.
<begin thread> So when you have all of these ballots that are heavily swinging for Biden, it's gonna reinforce that claim that mail-in votes were used to prop up Democratic numbers.
This ignores the fact that Democrats requested absentee ballots by significantly larger margins than Republicans.
Oct 4, 2020 70 tweets 10 min read
"I'm 16 and Marxist-Leninist!"
No, Sarah, you're a teenager from an upper-middle-class household who's trying to get some social clout online because you're bored and rebellious. Stop screwing around and do your chores. "My pronouns are fae/faer."
No they're not, and you have never corrected anybody when they used "she" or "her" to refer to you. You're just trying to feel unique and special because you lack the artistic talents that your peers have.
Oct 1, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I hate this.
Pushing people into going political if they don't want to do is wrong. I'll never forget how people hammered on Taylor Swift when she didn't talk about who she was voting for in 2016.
Now, if they choose to do it, that's fine. But they shouldn't be pressured to. And I know the argument against this is, "Well, they DID want to, else they wouldn't have started talking politics." And sure, that might be the case, but calling someone "naïve" if they choose not to publicly engage with it is demanding content (or worse, activism) out of them.
Sep 29, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Tuesday range day. What's the rhyme for this again? Image .460 Magnum. Why not?
Sep 20, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Nobody's saying that Biden/Harris will repeal the 2nd Amendment.
What they ARE saying is that they'll undermine gun rights by restricting assault weapons and >10 round magazines under the NFA, requiring a $200 tax stamp and ATF registration to own them.… Perspective: NFA covers things like suppressors, short-barreled rifles and shotguns, automatic weapons (manufactured before 1986), and explosives/"destructive devices."
If you want to own them, you have to register them individually and pay a $200 tax for each one.
Sep 18, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Everybody familiarize yourself with House of Cards Season 5.
We're about to live through it. This is what I'm talking about.
Sep 16, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Funny how all the misinformation, libel, slander, and general unwillingness to listen to anybody resulted in all of this, eh?
It's almost like ideological and hyperpartisan divides were on full display during GG, and that's what y'all have actually been noticing over six years. Image Trump wasn't the goddamn Gamergate candidate, and neither did he use "Gamergate tactics" in his campaign. The vast VAST majority of Trump sycophants don't even know what the fuck Gamergate was.
The common thread is that they're defined by what they hate, what they're against.
Sep 6, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
It depends on the weight of the information that they're dropping.
If nobody—primary or secondary sources—will go on the record, it doesn't matter how groundbreaking the story is. Without those names publicly affirming its legitimacy, the story's no better than a rumor. Fake news is more prevalent than ever now, so people aren't going to trust anonymous sources, and then more anon sources backing up the first one. The information they give has to be water-tight if they want to be believed, which is the main issue with the "he said this" stories.
Sep 4, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
>confirmed it to Maddow
I'm tossing this in the bullshit bin. You don't go on Maddow to confirm a story unless you're spinning it.
Lest we forget the BS story that was "WE HAVE TRUMP'S TAX RETURNS!" Leading up to the election, you know we're gonna see more of these stories. Trump ragging on the military, Trump ragging on Christians, Trump ragging on blue-collar workers...
All will be bullshit "insider scoops" designed specifically to cut apart his voting base.
Aug 29, 2020 15 tweets 5 min read
So let me get this straight.
It's reasonable to loot and destroy businesses, because it's coming from a place of resistance and direct action, and those are more important than the products of someone's labor being stolen from them?
This is utterly insane. Oh, I'm not fucking finished. I'm going all-in on this shit.
Rioters are "questioning law and order?" Are children also just questioning authority when they throw tantrums? And theft is just "even distribution?" That's one logical step away from "pillage mansions." Image
Jul 22, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
In the spirit of #SaveUSPS, I found a bunch of these in an old lulz folder of mine.
Sharing them again in case you haven't seen them before. ImageImageImageImage More Image
Jul 8, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
(A) Part of marketplace regulation is to prevent monopolies, giving businesses equal chance to succeed. Kinda like ideas?
(B) Boycotting/protesting bad ideas is still engaging with them, thus, contributing to the marketplace of ideas. I mean, the marketplace of ideas is about ensuring that no idea can go without being questioned or debated, with the hypothesis being that bad ideas can be identified through an inability to stand up to rigorous, continued debate.
Why is that a bad thing, at its core?
Jul 4, 2020 39 tweets 5 min read
In Congress, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them
Jun 25, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
So I made a thread about reparations last Friday. You can read it here:
I want to talk about some of the things Jones suggests, and how that relates back to my thread. So here we go. >Reparations would go to any person who has documentation that he or she identified as a black person for at least 10 years before the beginning of any reparations process and can trace at least one ancestor back to American slavery.
Covered this. What if you lack records?
Jun 21, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
So I'm watching Hackers because fuck it.
The video at the beginning where the dude is talking about how minorities are of "inferior blood" was titled "America First."
Uhh... "Crash Override." lol, means something totally different to me.
I haven't seen this movie since high school. They played this for us in our computer class in high school, by the way. Jolie's boobs included.
Jun 20, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
There's a guy out here protesting the Confederate statue, with a sign that says "Destroy hateful heritage."
He's getting a lot of angry looks from people. And now there's a group of cars circling around the courthouse honking loudly and displaying protest and Juneteenth signs.
Jun 19, 2020 38 tweets 7 min read
Thread about reparations for black Americans?
Thread about reparations.
tl;dr, I want an opinion early: I don't think financial reparations are a good idea because there are way too many discrepancies involving who would pay, who would receive, and the amount to be paid.
LET'S GO Maybe it's not the best time to be talking about black reparations, being #Juneteenth and all, but I think, since we're having multiple conversations about race and oppression in the States today, it's probably worth discussing the difficulties in paying reparations for slavery.
Jun 15, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
Since you don't appear capable of reading, I'll give you a whole thread.
CLAIM #1: "'Antifa' is short for 'Anti-Fascist Action'"…… CLAIM #2: "a loosely-organized group of cells who hold revolutionary socialist beliefs and demonstrate accordingly"……
Jun 2, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
- Trump nodded to the Second Amendment for people to defend themselves and their property during riots, as some storeowners have already done.
- The Insurrection Act is not martial law. Unless habeas corpus is suspended by act of the president, we are not under martial law. - Your average 2A supporter isn't going to threaten or engage in armed rebellion unless THEY believe that the government is infringing on their civil liberties. A declaration of martial law or suspension of the elections may prompt them to act. Halting riots probably won't.