Tobi Profile picture
Jack of all trades, master of some ⏐ Progressive Politics ⏐ Pro bono Brexorcist (UK plc) ⏐ 🇪🇺 Activist/Rejoiner ⏐ 🇬🇧 🇩🇪 ⏐ #VoteTactically 👉 @MVTFWD 🗳️
rootwoman123 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jun 25 6 tweets 3 min read
July 4th presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change the political conversation in Britain for a generation!

From the toxic divisiveness of the Tories, to one where both the party of Government and the Opposition are on the side of ordinary people.

#VoteTactically Image None have more power than the "non-voters" this election!

There are now only 21 'safe' Tory seats.
The rest of them can easily be swung, often with just a few hundred tactical votes in marginal Tory seats, of which there are many!

Check your postcode at StopTheTories.VOTEImage
Feb 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
As a German national who’s learned a thing or two more about the shameful far-right history of Germany than is taught in many other nation’s curriculums, and crucially the events leading up to how it all got started, I can only say this:

THIS is exactly how it all got started ⬇️ The slow "boiling frog" normalisation of this, letting them portray themselves as "concerned citizens" when in fact they're organised groups inciting fear through online campaigns in areas that are already at boiling point, just hoping the pot boils over!

Feb 20, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read
👉 How Leave won the #Brexit campaign...

Shocking excerpts from a series of interviews by Democracy Now, revealing in detail how voters' personal data is being harvested and weaponised to manipulate elections.

#CambridgeAnalytica #BrexitFraud #BrexitLies… Also watch:

Facebook's role in Brexit — and the threat to democracy | Carole Cadwalladr
Dec 22, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
The only reason #Brexit came about was because the EU said to its member countries that it is no longer enough to simply do your due-diligence and “know your customer” KYC checks by just tracing money back to the next level up...

A THREAD 🧵 Usually "the next level up" was some obscure investment fund made up from dodgy money in various shell companies and other funds set up to hide the ill-begotten gains of corrupt foreign politicians, kleptocrats and oligarchs etc…