Here's a piece from me on what Australian attitudes to democracy and service delivery might mean for the future of employment services (jobactive) in the wake of #COVID19. Some new @CentrePolicyDev attitudes research in the thread below too…@australian
We’ve been asking Australians for several years (via Essential) what they think the main purpose of our democracy is. The answer now three times as popular as any other is ensuring all people are treated fairly and equally, including the most vulnerable in our community
Mar 25, 2020 • 18 tweets • 10 min read
I've written a piece for @insidestorymag suggesting Australia authorise a "red team" for #Covid_19. Below I explain why I think this (or something similar) needs to be done…#auspol@CentrePolicyDev
Pandemic or #coronavirus were not new words when this crisis started. See, for example, @PeterDutton_MP's foreword in Australia's management plan for pandemic influenza last year, when he acknowledged pandemics were inevitable and could cause high levels of death and disease
Mar 13, 2020 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Here is what the @oxmartinschool Commission for Future Generations (including Peter Piot from @LSHTM, @ian_goldin, @mbachelet et al) had to say about pandemics in 2013 @natalieday1@addevendra@UniofOxford#coronavirus#Covid_19
"There are concerning trends surrounding infectious diseases. Firstly, rapidly evolving viruses such as influenza, ebola, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome – Coronavirus, and HIV continue to thrive.