Vernon Jones Profile picture
Patriot, former County Executive, former State Representative
Hecate's Crossroad #QVArmy Profile picture bommaritoindy Profile picture Rita DeJager Profile picture Hentai Profile picture Kevin Jaibur ✝️ Profile picture 6 subscribed
Jan 7, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
White supremacy? Olivia may know whites fitness, but she shows her ignorance of Blacks fiscal fitness. It is obvious that her writings are geared towards alternative lifestyles of white people as she references Richard Simmons, HIV & AIDS. @OBWax @TIME… Apparently Olivia B. Waxman, the author of this baseless divisive article never looked into the history of physical activities in minorities communities. Is the Olivia B. showing her white supremacy? @OBWax @TIME
Jan 5, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
Looks like @EricHolder is gonna wish he had shut the hell up after going at reporter @paulsperry_ for calling out former disgraced FBI DD #AndrewMcCabe. A shoe is dropping next week about @PeterStrotz @fbi #McCabe & @nytimes colluding!… The roosters are coming home to roost! I’m sure disgraced former #FBI agent Lisa Paige is somewhere CLOSE to @peterstrotz. @NatSecLisa
Dec 29, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Atlanta Urinal & Constipation blames Atlanta’s crime on bad landlords, not the federal government. @HUDgov & @DeptVetAffairs are funding Section-8 & voucher apartment residents and not holding land lords accountable for ground maintenance. @ajceditor… These bad apartments wouldn’t exist if there was no profit. And who are they profiting from? The Federal Government. Stop paying for subpar living conditions.
Dec 20, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Not until the mainstream media gets its head out of @JoeBiden and the democrat party’s butts and hold him accountable will he and is administration govern accordingly. @CNN @ABC @MSNBC @NBCNews @CBSNews @washingtonpost @ajc @nytimes @latimes @DNC
Oct 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Left radical liberal democrats are full of hypocrisy. Bunch of BS!

A man can identify as a woman and you’re forced to believe and accept it, or get punished. But a White person can’t identify as a Black person without being attacked by the liberal democrat mob.
Aug 30, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
If you believe the liberal media, Big Tech, Merrick Garland @DOJPH @FBI will do anything to keep TRUMP from being re elected, retweet this. We know they’ve done it before. @finkd @nytimes @washingtonpost @CNN @MSNBC @Twitter @facebook @ajc #gapol… And let’s not forget you know who as he puts it, f’ing former disgraced #FBI agent @petestrzok who threaten and put in harms way #KASHPatel’s life. Image
Aug 16, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
Disgraced former FBI Agent @petestrzok had the damn nerve to say, “Absolutely the American public should trust what the FBI is doing. It’s not that the FBI is targeting any one side or the other.” @Morning_Joe @morningmika @HillaryClinton #HunterBiden @carterwpage @GeorgePapa19 .@petestrzok who called us smelly Walmart Trumpers to his disgraced lover former FBI agent @NatSecLisa (Lisa Page) were the lead dogs that investigated & lied on TRUMP in the Russia Hoax. Read their back and forward text messages.
Jan 12, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
That dead cat on the line has a lot of kittens attached to it! This is one of those kitty kittens 🐈‍⬛.

Kemp’s re-election year backroom deals gone wild!

Here kitty kitty kitty!
Sep 4, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
Stop the steal! To cover @BrianKempGA’s tracks while caving into @staceyabrams, the legislature wrote into law drop off boxes in the 2021 legislative session. Now Stacey’s law is State law! Join me, it’s time to fight and take Georgia Back. Go donate now Dropoff boxes were not written into GA law prior to 2021. It was @staceyabrams @BrianKempGA & @GaSecofState, with the state elections board...the executive branch came up with drop off boxes used in 2020. They used @stacey’s law not state law. Drop boxes are Unconstitutional!
Sep 1, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
The Atlanta Urinal & Constipation is having a melt down because two Black men are running statewide as republicans in GA, me Governor & @HerschelWalker US Senate. @ajc believes Blacks should, must & can only vote & be democrat. That day is over. Better get use to it! More coming! The @ajc’s democrat liberal racist reporters Patricia Murphy & Greg Bluestein blatantly & intentionally lied & said I ambushed Herschel 4a pic. I don’t ambush friends. And he wasn’t eating. Actually, I was. The @ajc’s continues to attack free blacks. @politicalinsidr @bluestein
Jul 21, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Crime is rising and people are dying all throughout the state of Georgia, while @BrianKempGA looks on, behind the gilded gates of the Governor’s mansion and his armed security detail. COLUMBUS, GA:…
Apr 29, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I agree with @SenatorTimScott that it is backwards to fight discrimination with different types of discrimination, and it’s wrong to try to use our painful past to dishonestly shut down debates in the present - including election integrity. When @JoeBiden & @staceyabrams refer to the election integrity bill in GA as "Jim Crow 2.0" they're not only insulting black Americans, they are lying. This law takes common-sense steps to protect the sanctity of every legal vote while expanding access to the ballot box.
Apr 20, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Today, I joined 20 other black leaders, including @AlvedaCKing @Bruce_LeVell and @kenblackwell,in signing a joint letter to Chairman Durbin and Ranking Member Grassley to defend the Georgia voting law as proper and honest reform. "We believe all Americans of goodwill can agree we must do everything possible to both expand access to voting and protect the integrity of our elections in order to ensure that everyone’s vote counts. That is our birthright as Americans."
Mar 7, 2021 4 tweets 5 min read
.@JavonteA, liberal media & Democrats are the ones suppressing, depressing & intimidating Black voters by writing one sided stories. Y don’t you get comments from Blacks who are non-victim, independent & not controlled by white liberal democrats? @USATODAY… Ask me or @RepDonaldsPress or @BurgessOwens @DavidJHarrisJr @Joy_Villa @hodgetwins @ThomasSowell @thecjpearson @JackBrewerBSI. Voter suppression & intimidation is coming from @TheDemocrats . Allow me or us a printed response to your story. Let your reader hear both sides?
Jan 21, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: @StaceyAbrams' network is paying thousands of dollars to thousands of door knockers in an effort to get @Sen_JoeManchin to support impeachment... what a bizarre thing to do. I guess it really tells us where Abram's bread is buttered. Hint - NOT in Georgia. (1/4) It gets worse—Abrams is spearheading a similar effort to give health insurance to illegal immigrants instead of helping U.S. citizens in need. It's not wrong to want to help people, but it's wrong to put anyone ahead of the health and safety of Americans. (2/4)
Jan 8, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: I refuse to remain silent. My name is Vernon Jones, I am an outgoing State Representative in Georgia, a lifelong Democrat and the newest member of the Republican Party. (1/9) Now, let me make one thing clear—I haven’t changed. The Democrat Party has changed. It's become a toxic combination of radical leftists and liberal elites (many in San Francisco and Hollywood) that have taken over my former Party. (2/9)