Educator, activist and Assistant Professor in Educational Leadership at York University. She/her
Jul 18, 2020 • 9 tweets • 8 min read
1/ *TIME SENSITIVE* - The ON gov't plans to pass a law THIS week that will have a devastating impacts on #Indigenous#Black#Racialized#Marginalized Ss & will introduce a 2-tiered education system to #OntEd - #bill1972/ @Sflecce and @fordnation are moving to pass Bill 137 THIS WEDNESDAY - a COVID-19 recovery bill that "somehow" includes removing the requirement for Directors of Ed to be qualified teachers - the continuation of efforts to privatize ed & create a 2-tiered system in #OntEd .
Jul 7, 2020 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
1/ This is a crucial time for #OntEd ted: 3 school boards will be hiring Directors of Education - @PeelSchools@tdsb & @DurhamDSB. With any shift in power, opportunities exist for a rise in justice-oriented practices and/or a rise in corrupt, back-door deals.
2/ School boards need to hire anti-racist leaders, *especially* as Directors of Ed.
Trustees - what criteria are you giving to search firms to choose your next Director? Are hiring committees racially diverse including trustees with critical, anti-racist mindsets & experiences?
Apr 14, 2020 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
1/ There have been significant changes to ed during this pandemic. Many of these changes have exacerbated existing educational inequities & some of these "changes" will become dangerous educational *reforms* to privatize education and deprofessionalize educators.
2/ Kevin Kumashiro shared this statement signed by over 250 educators & scholars of colour in the U.S. about this very topic. It got me thinking about applications to the ON context & the need for critical educators/scholars/communities to come together.
1/ A racialized TDSB principal recently told me that a white TDSB principal was complaining *to him* that the @tdsb Director is a "sellout" for talking about all this white privilege stuff and that he/his colleagues are all fed up with it.
2/ WHAT??
To white supremacy??
These "leaders" have *decison making power* over *other people's children*. They're not equipped for leadership, nor are they equipped to be educators. Yet, this behaviour is normalized/accepted in so many school boards & institutions.