How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App a fight with retired US army officer and took him to cleaners in DMs too only because he made a nonsensical tweets against Pakistan Army be able* me start from childhood, getting raised in garrisons having great admiration for armed forces considering then ultimate patriotic saviors. Wanting to become brave like them and sacrifice life for country I grew up idolizing armed forces. 2/n relations, like trade, aid, talks continue but agencies like @NSAGov and their @NSACyber wing keep recording all calls of Military officers, government officials, politicians, media and everyone in many countries including Pakistan. On ground @CIA & @DefenseIntel 2/n👇 than India as per Nuclear safety index. have been using US/NATO supplied equipment since years now that they captured or Afghan Army gave them. Plenty of videos if you research. Beside why would ISI send Pakistani equipment to get framed & caught red handed ? Is ISI this dumb in your opinion ? struggle can succeed by pen & camera. Educated Kashmiri's abroad and within occupied Kashmir have to learn English get followers and post videos of atrocities. We need army of Kashmir activists to get International support like Palestine got this time. tweet itself answers it from 2007-2014 Pakistan had worst insurgency and terrorism with attacks and suicide blasts taking place everywhere. Guess who was behind that ? Kabul regime NDS and R&AW aiding, abetting and sponsoring TTP financially, technically and materially. do employ fear & intimidation tactics globally. People that support separatists, anarchists, violent extremism are often sent warnings by various means. Unfortunately our agencies are not that legally empowered & have capacity issues to do so subtly within ambit of law. of such a time was revealed by Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W.) that such times will come when following religion will be as difficult as grasping hot coal. Religion is going to get even harder to follow in coming times. to give you perspective, Army mainly relies on pickups and trucks of various companies but none of them has any protection against IEDs or firing if ambush is set from rocks or bushes by terrorists 700m away. Most lives lost in Balochistan and Waziristan due to it.