Paranormal Journalist & Host. Spooky Nerd: @Netflix #28DaysHaunted | @travelchannel #ParanormalCaughtOnCamera | #TalkingStrange show. Didn’t pay for blue check
May 2, 2023 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
So #StarWars Galaxy’s Edge has been open for nearly four years, yet I did encounter a TSA quirk when traveling with my lightsabers from NYC to Orlando this morning for Galactic Starcruiser & #MayThe4th. First, let me say the agents were entirely professional and nice. Still…
I put the hilts in carry on instead of checking and they, along with assorted #StarWars greeblies & such, triggered scanners. Expectedly. But I didn’t expect them to be viewed as alien, ironically.
TSA Guy 1: What are these? Are these car parts?
Me: Lightsabers.
TSA Guy 1:…?
Jun 24, 2020 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
A Thread: Some of you know I also co-host a #paranormal & true crime podcast called #NightMerica. Last week we did an ep about ghost stories involving slaves. I grew up in the South & always loved ghost tours but I've had a realization how wrong they are...
I've been working on how to be antiracist, and out of that journey I began to see that ghost tours often co-opt the stories of slaves for entertainment (often for largely white audiences). That doesn't sit well. Especially considering many tours in the South involve
Jan 20, 2019 • 17 tweets • 5 min read
On the occasion of Tom Baker’s 85th birthday, allow me to share the time the Fourth Doctor of #DoctorWho (and my first Doctor) led to international intrigue in 2013, and potential blacklisting... /1
I was excited to do a phone interview on a Friday morning, Nov. 8, 2013, w/ #TomBaker about #DoctorWho 50th anniv special. He was amazing, and delightful. I asked him the obvious question (normally I avoid these because I know they’ll get shot down and waste precious time): /2