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AppliedBehaviourAnalysis PositiveBehaviourSupport Checkout the hashtags #ABAharms #TodayInABA #PBSFails #ABAresearch #BetterWaysThanABA
Aug 1, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
This #ABAresearch paper is sickening #TodayInABA

Arbitrarily defined stereotypy targeted for extinction in a 10 month old baby for:

-Head: 2 or more nods, weaves or shakes
-Body: 2 or more fwd and bkwd motion
with no apparent function

What was this ABA experiment? Oops we mentioned the “repetitive body movements” but not the “Prolonged visual inspection” stereotypical behaviours which were defined as: /2
Jul 12, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Following the House of Delegates annual meeting, the final resolutions which are a very helpful breakthrough by American Medical Association regarding Applied Behaviour Analysis, which has been removed, are as follows:
(p16-17 )ama-assn.org/system/files/a… The draft resolutions set out evidence on #ABAharms and controversy and increasing concerns by different communities and
"RESOLVED, That our AMA support research toward the 47 evaluation and the development of interventions and programs for autistic individuals (New HOD Policy)".
Jul 10, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The @RussettSchool is for kids with high support, including nonspeaking autism and LD.

Their PBS policy is extremely concerning.

#BehaviourismHarms #ABAharms #PBSFails #DisabilityRights

therussettlearningtrust.co.uk/cheshire/prima… Upfront it sets the scene about these disabled kiddos who need to learn how to better behave.

The 23 page Introduction para 2 blames the issue of challenging behaviour on their /disability: deficits /unmet needs” and difficulty communicating that need to others”.
Jun 16, 2022 7 tweets 6 min read
@PhillyP3351 @autismspeaks “I had to earn it by interrupting less than a certain number of times. I was so excited.  
We used my love of figurines to help motivate me to learn and become more conscious of my own interrupting”

That is not motivation, but conditioning. Skinner developed that with lab rats. @PhillyP3351 @autismspeaks “I’m allowed to wait using ….coping strategies and tools, and even hold small toys in my hand. It is considered a success if I wait a certain amount of time without complaining.”

“Allowed to” self Reg?!?!

Success is making others happy, not how you feel.
Jan 31, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
“ABA itself is not abusive, it’s just how it’s used”.

#ABAharm comes from:

-lack of regulation and disinterest in understanding for who, when or how ABA harms.

- grandiose claims that ABAers have a clue about what is good or bad for autistic development and quality of life... ...So social validity is a huge inherent problem of ABA across the field and also means most ABA does not meet its own definition of ABA.

Back to “ABA in itself is not abuse”. An example of a “hammer” is often given by BCBAs eg McEachin and Leaf & son...
Oct 2, 2020 6 tweets 8 min read
@samurai_snake @lnc0 There is no ABA literature on how ABA harms. You can harm in other ways:

And the Ethics Code and BCBA task list allows for punishments and aversives. Examples #TodayInABA to follow....1

#ABAharms @samurai_snake @lnc0 🧐

Electric shocks still happening (JRC argue not to stop, despite FDA saying need to stop by end Sept 20)

Using hunger and food to coerce: ABA research 2020

Slapping kids to stop them moving (Dec 18)...2
Sep 24, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
Some UK ABAers claim

"But ABA is not sold as an autism treatment in the UK, that is just a N. America thing to get State funded."

"ABA is just a teaching method!"

"ABA is like normal parenting!".

Today we will be sharing links here to show such statements are nonsense.
Jul 18, 2020 27 tweets 10 min read
Feel free to add examples #TodayInABA of "quiet hands" and stopping of harmless stimming.

This latest research review is a start...

#NotMyABA #ABAresearch #ABAharms #ABAworks? #SEND
Mar 17, 2020 7 tweets 7 min read
More in the comments, but ABA cowboys just don’t stop

There is harmful misinfo about #coronavirus in this@ABALearningLab blog & ABA busine$$ continue$, despite close contacts for transmi$$ion, visiting between homes, clinics, towns

This blog also breaches #BCBA Code of Ethics False statements that ‘ABAers are better trained than most and that they are healthcare specialists so know about evidence based practice to deal with #coronavirus

Breach of @BACB_Inc #BCBA ethics code.

#ABA #behavioranalysis #TodayInABA @AutismEye @Tizard_ABAPBS @ABAIEvents