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Jun 16th 2022
@PhillyP3351 @autismspeaks “I had to earn it by interrupting less than a certain number of times. I was so excited.  
We used my love of figurines to help motivate me to learn and become more conscious of my own interrupting”

That is not motivation, but conditioning. Skinner developed that with lab rats.
@PhillyP3351 @autismspeaks “I’m allowed to wait using ….coping strategies and tools, and even hold small toys in my hand. It is considered a success if I wait a certain amount of time without complaining.”

“Allowed to” self Reg?!?!

Success is making others happy, not how you feel.
@PhillyP3351 @autismspeaks “It is done in an effort to make sure that I have the best future possible”

Intent is v different than what is important for an autistic adult life.

Why learn from a person supervised by someone trained only in behaviour mod, and not an autistic org? eg…
Read 7 tweets
Jan 31st 2021
“ABA itself is not abusive, it’s just how it’s used”.

#ABAharm comes from:

-lack of regulation and disinterest in understanding for who, when or how ABA harms.

- grandiose claims that ABAers have a clue about what is good or bad for autistic development and quality of life...
...So social validity is a huge inherent problem of ABA across the field and also means most ABA does not meet its own definition of ABA.

Back to “ABA in itself is not abuse”. An example of a “hammer” is often given by BCBAs eg McEachin and Leaf & son...
...the trouble is ABA is like studying/supervision on what hammers are, what technical parts and different hammer types are called “hammer speak” and how to document the number of blows and extent to which an item has been pushed in from each blow (the data), but not....
Read 4 tweets
Oct 2nd 2020
@samurai_snake @lnc0 There is no ABA literature on how ABA harms. You can harm in other ways:…

And the Ethics Code and BCBA task list allows for punishments and aversives. Examples #TodayInABA to follow....1

@samurai_snake @lnc0 🧐

Electric shocks still happening (JRC argue not to stop, despite FDA saying need to stop by end Sept 20)

Using hunger and food to coerce: ABA research 2020

Slapping kids to stop them moving (Dec 18)...2
@samurai_snake @lnc0 🥸

Forcefeeding in ABA May 19

2018 research deliberately exposing kids to painful noises

Blocking 5 yr old's ear covering, hand/arm flapping and hand/finger posturing…
Read 6 tweets
Jun 14th 2020
Halfway through listening to this panel on ABA.

The #ABA researcher is pathological in his view of fellow human beings and clearly does not listen to what autistic people say, even when on the same panel. He is so rigid in his belief system.…

ABAer Ron Leaf on this panel worked with Lovaas🤬

We listened to most of it and @WennLawson is only one who CONSISTENTLY makes sense.

So do listen to see awful mindsets of ABA devotee researchers (who are deaf to autistic perspectives) and other ableist views of QoL.
Eugh early on TA/RB congratulate ABA in 1980s for helping autistics.

(They never mentioned the suicide.)

Later they say ABA has progressed today, acknowledging "rigid" ABAers result in PTSD.

Then they say ABAers today can be rigid.

Hardly moved on then.

Read 3 tweets
May 13th 2020
Did you know ABA has no minimum requirements in the UK

The BCBA can be 4 removed from the person off the street with no experience psychologically manipulating kids as young as 1 for up to 40 hrs. And no one is required to have any autism understanding
Thread proves BCBAs do not need to study #autism or child dev at all

The ABA field in 5 decades have never cared to look into how ABA can harm #autistics

To platform #ABA is irresponsible.

@theBarrister @BarristerMagaz1 @barstandards @prof_standards
Read 3 tweets
Mar 17th 2020
More in the comments, but ABA cowboys just don’t stop

There is harmful misinfo about #coronavirus in this@ABALearningLab blog & ABA busine$$ continue$, despite close contacts for transmi$$ion, visiting between homes, clinics, towns

This blog also breaches #BCBA Code of Ethics
False statements that ‘ABAers are better trained than most and that they are healthcare specialists so know about evidence based practice to deal with #coronavirus

Breach of @BACB_Inc #BCBA ethics code.

#ABA #behavioranalysis #TodayInABA @AutismEye @Tizard_ABAPBS @ABAIEvents
Harmful misstatements:

“What we’ve learned so far is that the virus.... seems to have a preference for older individuals and those with compromised immune systems.”

“To date, children are far less likely to be infected.”

@BACB_Inc @BACB_Worldwide @Tizard_ABAPBS @ABAIEvents
Read 7 tweets

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