Rachel Cherry 🍒 Profile picture
Digital Accessibility Developer. Front-end web dev. Likes to build things. Founder @wpcampusorg. Fond of feminism, running, and tacos.
Aug 2, 2019 11 tweets 7 min read
Happy Friday, friends.

It's time I tell you about all of of the amazing people that helped make this year's @wpcampusorg conference not only happen, but be a beautifully inclusive and engaging event for our community. #WPCampus The organizing committee bought me a beautiful photo frame from our host college, Lewis and Clark College. It now sits on my desk and is home to a photo of the organizing team. First, a HUGE thanks to the 2019 organizing team. We met every Tuesday to plan the event. They gave me the best gift, the photo and frame seen in my previous tweet.

Brad Davidson
Ali Gray
May 4, 2019 62 tweets 20 min read
Anyone else doing some weekend reading of the #Gutenberg #accessibility audit report?


#WordPress #a11y A screenshot of the cover page for the Gutenberg Accessibility Audit Report. Gutenberg is the new WordPress editor. I’m going through and taking notes. The report is fascinating.

Seriously taken aback at page 5 of the UX report.
May 7, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
Decided to re-open my Bumble account, now that I'm living in this city I haven't lived in for 15 years. It's definitely a different batch of men than I swiped through in LA, the few weeks I actually used the app. But, FYI, here are some things I've notice about profiles. I do actually read the descriptions. They make all the difference to me. If you just post 1-2 photos with no description? Or if your description is only an attempt to be witty? You've lost me. It's great to be funny but I'm also looking for someone who can be genuine. #swipeleft