Mark Bray-Parry 🌳🌱 | ☀️🌬️🌊☢️ | ⚕️ Profile picture
Pro-Nuclear Energy environmentalist. He/Him. #Renewables; #NuclearEnergy; #HealthcareEquity;
Aug 20, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
Presenting the war in #Afghanishtan as a failure and a mistake is ignorant and an insult to the service personnel who have fought in Afghanistan over the best part of 20 years. There are indisputable failures, primarily the chaotic withdrawal that has put so many lives at risk 1/ It is also beyond devastating for #Afghanistan citizens, particularly Afghan women, who will lose hard fought rights overnight. For them, western withdrawal and the collapse of the Afghan government will have a devastating impact on their daily lives. 2/
Oct 22, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read

A lot has been written on the morality of extending free school meals across holidays. Clearly the State has an obligation to ensure a dependent's well being is looked after. The idea that a child going hungry can be blamed solely on the parents is absurd. 1/ However, I've long since accepted that this Tory Party don't consider moral duties to be in the scope of Government. So, here is the economic case: 2/
Oct 21, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
The whole #Manchester situation has been represented in media appallingly. They, intentionally or not, played to the left wing by presenting the Government as authoritarian Scrooge's while simultaneously playing to the right, representing Andy as playing politics with #COVID. /1 The nuance (which always exists beneath any headline or even article) is a lot less dramatic. Here is what I know, and it is by no means complete so feel free to add to it in the replies. /2