Xavier Bustamante Profile picture
A creative geek; be rich by solving poverty. Tweeting and blogging about software engineering, management, and sustainability at https://t.co/05lcpLAYS0.
May 9, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
Published! 🚴‍♀️ Riding the wave: Predicting the use of @bicing in #Barcelona before and during #COVID @RyanFedero & Xavier Fernández-i-Marin at #Sustainable Cities and Society journal.
Info & insights 🧵👇 We use #MachineLearning to identify the key factors in predicting the use of @bicing (the bike-sharing system in Barcelona) before and during #COVID using bicing trips and #OpenData from @bcn_ajuntament and @govern @iopendatabcn. Main insights👇 Total number of Bicing trip...