Cara M. Antonaccio, PhD, MSPH Profile picture
Postdoc @BrownPsychiatry, 🧠 and 🦴 cancer survivor, researching tailored reintegration support for #caafag, #survonc @JohnsHopkinsSPH ‘18 @BostonCollege ‘22
Mar 27, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
a 🧵 with each of the critical review sections in this video...

### Abstract
- problem-statement:: What is the research problem?
- aims:: What are the study aims?
- findings:: What are the major takeaways? ### Introduction
- attention-grabber:: What statistic/idea do the authors 'pull you in' with?
- key-data:: What evidence orients the reader to the scope and magnitude of the problem?
- thesis-statement:: What will they do in the study?
- significance:: Why is it important?
Jan 28, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
example of how i organize sources and keep track of reading progress in @logseq

🦴💀 = headings and structure

#TfT #PKM #Dissertation #PhD #AcademicTwitter Image @logseq quick overview...

1. First on a page "library" create blocks with the titles of each source in your library.
Jan 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Someone asked me to share my research workflow in @logseq! Here's an overview of my very simple process 🧵 Image 1. Rewrite the article/chapter/section in my own words using the 3rd person (“[The authors] studied/argued”)
