@chadtopaz Profile picture
Twitter has become unusable! Not really here anymore, so find me at https://t.co/mvCxmgkkvs.
Jul 20, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
🧵🐝 How are you going to distract yourself all day while waiting for @florianederer's 4pm ET talk on #EJMR? You are going to read about some new #datascience approaches at the intersection of #topological data analysis and#complex #biological systems. arxiv.org/pdf/2307.09720… @florianederer This is joint work led by @GolnarGF with Morgan Byers, Varad Deshmukh, Liz Bradley, Carissa Mayo, and of course, @oritpeleg. Here, when I say "joint work," I mean that they did the work and I hung around saying "cool, cool" while writing stupid talks with slides like this. Slide from a presentation that showcases a news story about a shipment of bees on an airplane dying.
Jun 30, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
#datascience #statistics #math folx interested in #socialjustice: 🚨THERE ARE STILL FUNDED SLOTS OPEN FOR THIS WORKSHOP.🚨I'm giving the opening plenary talk and I'm leading a curricular project you can sign up for (see first comment below). Please share! icerm.brown.edu/programs/ep-23… There will be a BUNCH of cool projects you can work on. Here's the one I happen to be leading (short 6 min. video description here, text description in subsequent comments below). drive.google.com/file/d/1eQNPit…
May 5, 2023 23 tweets 8 min read
A tiny subset of terrible things that have happened at #Rikers Island #Jail in #NewYorkCity: a primer for upper middle class white people. If you don't know these stories, you are not doing your job as a human. I'm tweeting about #jails and #bail because (real, substantive) #bailreform is good for society and we need more of it. And I'm tweeting for upper middle class white people because we have a lot of power/positionality, and yet tend to be least knowledgeable about the issues.
May 4, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Jail, Bail, and Reform: a primer for upper middle class white laypeople. Why? Because we are the folx with the lowest ratio of (knowledge about this issue) : (positionality). We have lots of power and yet are least likely to be directly impacted... though the issues affect ALL. This is truly a thread for laypeople. If you are one of the activists or scholars in my feed who works on this stuff, you know everything I'm going to say, and more. It's just that we need EVERYONE ELSE to understand. So I hope you might share this.