Christy Staats Profile picture
Working for immigration reform. Bibles, Badges and Business @NatImmForum ❤️ my dog 🇺🇸🇬🇧 competitive parallel parker @andcampaign Akron chapter
Sep 18, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
A complex problem needs complex solutions.

1. Globally there are 108 million displaced people fleeing war, gang violence, dictators, starvation, hurricanes, collapsed governments and more.
2. The United States, Colombia & Panama signed an agreement 1/… to end the illicit movement of people” through the Darién Gap, a practice that “leads to death & exploitation of vulnerable people for significant profit.”

Instead of ending it. Colombia President @petrogustavo is turning a blind eye to the profits his own elected officials 2/
Oct 14, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Interviewing the director of a ministry that began on the border last year I am pondering his words.

People don’t know what the process is to be allowed to get into the US. There is much disinformation and smugglers telling people to come. Gangs have infested the police & govt in Central America and if people can’t pay their weekly fines they get murdered. “I would leave too.” Mexico doesn’t want to invest in anybody else and it makes the country very difficult to live (I was talking to a Mexican national). The US has a heart of mercy. The corruption
Sep 17, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
When I started working with refugees in 2015 there were around 59 million displaced people globally. That number has surpassed 100 million this year. When we see people coming in higher numbers to our border, an understanding of the wars, violence, famine, and country collapses globally gives us perspective on what people are fleeing and why they are coming to us in hope. The cruelty of the last administration to immigrants also plays into the increases under the Biden administration. That is a GOOD thing that this president is known to not be cruel.
Apr 22, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Deeply saddened to read this report from Grove City College and the condemnation of @JemarTisby. Dr. Tisby is being used by God. We love to reject the prophets. Don't do it now. As he said in that chapel message, how we respond now is how we would have responded 50-60 years ago. One thing I found disturbing in the report is idea he was disqualified because of "progressive policies" on immigration reform. The lines of what is progressive & liberal are shifting. Immigration reform - including what Tisby spoke of in his book are ideas supported from Reagan
Apr 5, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Title 42, a pandemic protocol that sent most migrants & asylum seekers away almost immediately since March 2020 is ending at the end of May. We need sound ways to uphold human dignity, asylum law, and border security. (🧵) Under U.S. law, people who flee their countries because they fear persecution can apply for asylum. The individual must demonstrate that he or she is a “refugee.” Title 42 has prevented those fleeing persecution from being able to access legal asylum the last two years.
Aug 5, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
I despaired with a Senate Republican office on what has become of the party recently. For those who value small government, this turn is not Republicanism but evil. It’s going to do two things.. drain the party of real Conservatives who know immigrants are vital to our economy, Churches, neighborhoods and competitiveness as a nation. It is not our better angels but a celebration like this reminds me of the anti immigrant movement of the 1920s. The Nazis took notes from us on how we treated African Americans and immigrants when they wrote the Nuremberg
Aug 4, 2021 9 tweets 10 min read
I have some things to say to @GovAbbott and @SenTedCruz I made you a slide deck. 1 (of 7) #immigrants #migrants #covid19 I have some things to say to @GovAbbott and @SenTedCruz I made you a slide deck. 2 (of 7) #immigrants #migrants #covid19