Dr Githinji Gitahi, MBS Profile picture
Father | Husband | Global CEO Amref | Africa COVID19 Commission | Boards: Mbagathi Hos, Women Lift, Safaricom Fdn, Food4Education, CEPI | Gods servant
Oct 25, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
A 🧵 on @Amref_Worldwide solidarity withdrawal from in-person participation at the @H_S_Global conference in #Colombia due to systemic visa/passport discrimination of participants from the Global South Over the past year or so we have seen a pattern of practice which has perpetuated an inequity disadvantage for those from Global South, specifically Africa which at its worst was demonstrated by the #COVID vaccine inequity but also systematically in passport/visa discrimination
Oct 16, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Distinguished global citizens, all protocols observed 😄

A close friend and colleague was surprised by my tweet & asked why - I don’t blame her at all and let me explain:

Earlier in 2022, I missed a meeting in London because my visa was delayed for over a month

🧵 In September, I almost missed UNGA; my visa appointment for US Embassy in Kenya was April 2024! We had to beg 🙏

A deputy minister of a country in Africa had to use their foreign passport; they couldn’t get a visa on their national passport 😞

Lucky they had dual citizenship
Jun 18, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
A thread: Why Africa needs ownership of its health security 👇🏾

Despite @AfricaCDC recording 10000 monkeypox cases & 600 deaths in 2 yrs (20/21), @WHO stockpiled vaccines were only mobilised when monkeypox was identified in far fewer cases and no deaths in rich countries in 2022 The Numbers shown in the chart for Africa are for 2022 only! The 1400 cases & 66 deaths in Africa in this chart are only for 2022! It’s only after going beyond Africa that stockpiled vaccines are being released & a Public Health Emergency being considered - note no death has been recorded outside Africa yet - we pray none occurs!
Dec 4, 2021 7 tweets 6 min read
Spent time in Kibra, Nairobi today attending a vaccination outreach by @AmrefUniversity students & @MOH_Kenya

1. The challenge is not hesitancy - it’s lack of Access.

2. We don’t call a woman who delivers at home because of absence of skilled delivery ‘hesitant’ Behind this tent, there is a well equipped Health centre that vaccinates 9-5pm Monday to Friday and only manages 30 vaccinations per day.

Yet this outreach has vaccinated 300 people in 6 hours from the same neighbourhood - old and young!
Jul 25, 2020 8 tweets 6 min read
To all of us in the health sector, I pray we manage PATIENTS/PEOPLE not #COVID19 🙏🏾 To the President, the tragedy, SIR,will not be in how many got infected but in how many lost their lives UNCOUNTED as we COUNTED 😔YES to #primarycare capacity - #NotLockdown @StateHouseKenya 1. Information and patient management guidelines and health workers support starting at the lowest health facility upwards #NotLockdown @MOH_Kenya
Apr 1, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
This has been ‘trending’ on WhatsApp groups and I thought its good I put it out there that yes my opinion is that we need to realize the time it will take to go back to normal life is 4-5 months. #COVID19 @Amref_Worldwide #hibernate I must admit I posted it as a thread on twitter and I have no idea who took it up and created a pdf complete with my photo and a typo (peak not pick!) 🤷🏿‍♂️

Imagine this - Every country has a slow phase which then goes geometric. The slow phase takes about 1 month.
Mar 29, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Let me give free advice to ⁦@dailynation⁩ This pandemic is not a short term social disruption but it’s going to take months before our lives go back to normal & start social gatherings. May & June is likely to be the pick with thousands of infected people. Take it slow... And it’s PEAK not PICK as my Resident Editor @JustDes just picked (pun intended) 😔