Daniel Ortiz, MD Profile picture
@ACRYPS | @RADPAC | @RadiologyACR GSER & Leadership Commissions | #rural General & #MSKrad | #radvocacy | #radecon | #SoMe | #honeybadger
Mar 17, 2020 17 tweets 27 min read
In response to many requests, I've collated several #COVID19 cases at one of my hospitals over the past 5 days. In this limited (non-peer reviewed) cohort:
- 100% subpleural involvement, 33% + centrolobular involvement
- 40% even apical/basilar, 27% basilar dom, 5% mid dom. 1/17 - All have ground glass, 20% with atoll, 2 with ARDS
- 66% had some + CXR finding I could correlate to a CT finding
- 66% had documented exposure, rest I couldn't find either way

I'll list age decade and + exposure documented #covid19 #coronavirus #radiology #FOAMed #radres 2/17
Mar 15, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
Batch of #covid19 cases from the past few days. These are just a few with the most “classic” appearance and some with fibrosis/ARDS. Get used to this look. Thread of several cases. 1/7 #radres #radiology 2/7 #covid19