Dion Hinchcliffe Profile picture
Thinker, strategist, enterprise architect, keynote speaker, analyst, book author, futurist on IT, #cloud, #digitalworkplace, #Web3, #cio. @Constellationr @ZDNet
May 10 12 tweets 5 min read

Great chat today with @alightman + @rafehm on a project they are working on.

We discussed the many lessons learned on how enterprises can better organize and execute on their tech transformation goals.

A 🧵of the key insights...


1/x Image My first observation was that most orgs still organize around functional efficiency for marketing, sales, operations, and customer care.

This creates silos where the customer is tossed over the wall to each.

Instead, orgs must now structure around the top value streams.

2/x Image
Jan 3, 2023 19 tweets 25 min read
My 2022 Year in Review and look ahead to 2023…

An unusual year of ups + downs that took my research agenda to unexpected places.

Yet the result was invaluable + ended up taking my work to useful new places.

A longish 🧵 on #cio #cloud #digitaltransformation #FutureOfWork. 1/x First up is my detailed analysis titled “The #Cloud Reaches an Inflection Point for the #CIO in 2022.” It remains very pertinent reading.

Written as the cloud industry reached an early maturity point, it highlighted a top hot issue: Complexity

