Dr Vishakha Moghe Profile picture
Ayurveda Practitioner at 'Samatvam', Yog Saadhak 🪔 Dharma Sarvopari 🪔 E-mail your queries at drmoghes@gmail.com
3 subscribers
Apr 27, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
For optimal functioning of the body, our brain has to run several millisecs ahead of the clocks that run our genes/systems down in the body, or else the message to organs and tissues to increase or decrease secretions can be received late. 1/3 Image This imperfect timing confuses the organs and tissues, and makes them operate with reduced functionality or not at all. You can take an eg. of how our computers run in 'safe mode'. That's how our body starts running with reduced functionality. 2/3
Apr 26, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
This chemical called #Xenoestrogen is a sub-category of hormonal disruptor groups that gets into our body through numerous sources (mentioned below) leading to estrogen dominance in the body. Image Today, majority girls/women face menstrual issues right from the start of their menstrual cycle. Scanty menses/irregular cycle, mood swings, menstrual cramps, irritability during periods aren't normal. They can be associated with low estrogen.
Nov 5, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
🍺 Madya (Alcohol) in general stimulates digestion, penetrates deep into the channels, is capable of entering through minute pores & cleansing them, beneficial for both loss of sleep or excess sleep, is a laxative, confers good voice & complexion. Here's the twist!

All the benefits accrue if alcohol is used judiciously. Consuming alcohol in abnormal quantities would do the exact opposite by accelerating ageing, producing intoxication & abnormalities in most organs of the body.
Sep 22, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Sleep deprivation disrupts the acid-base balance of the body, leading to increased body heat & increased body heat in turn disrupts your normal sleep pattern.

It's a vicious cycle that won't get corrected unless you correct your habits & routine. What can you do?

1) 🌡️Cooling down the body is the key.

If healthy & have good digestion, eat more alkalizing fruits like melon, grapes, black raisins, drink water stored in an earthen pot, eat more veggies from the gourd family, pumpkin, cucumbers, drink ripe coconut water 🥥
Aug 19, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Patola (Trichosanthes dioica, Pointed Gourd)- The wonder herb & vegetable.
One among the many vegetables that are beneficial for gut health & metabolism.
Low in calories, loaded with fibre, can be safely consumed in hypercholesterolemia, obesity, blood disorders. Too much of acidic waste in the blood that comes from acidic fruits, foods & vegetables leads to loss of calcium & phosphorus from bones. An acidic body is a fertile ground for cancer. The entire *gourd* family from pointed to ash gourd belongs to the category of alkaline foods.
May 1, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
How to identify natural & chemically grown/GMO produce?
- Nature never produces 2 fruits that look exactly the same. Every fruit will have varied shapes & shades of colors, no 2 fruits will have the same size & color all over. There will be different shades of yellow in a mango! Chemical/GMO foods on the other hand will be all yellow/all orange with the same yellow & orange all over- no variations. They'll ripen uniformly. They'll also ripen faster as against their natural counterparts.
- Natural fruits are smaller in size. Chemically grown, huge!
Apr 29, 2022 17 tweets 9 min read
Amidst all these discussions, our humble Maharashtrian, healthy food hardly gets any recognition.
Throwing some light on the traditional Marathi dishes that never make it to the top & are probably unknown to the rest of India...

#FoodPorn coming your way! Masale bhaat/Tendli bhaat/Vaangi bhaat - Differently flavored rices made on different occasions. Masale bhaat has earned a place in the naivedya platter as an offering after a pooja in Marathi households. It's served with grated coconut as a topping.
Jul 24, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
Sugar- Friend or foe?
Present day nutrition "facts" are manipulated time & again based on what narratives the food industry wishes to set to introduce to the masses, new "fads".
#Ayurveda is time-tested, has already undergone timely updation wrt new foods, their properties etc. Image So what are the properties of different derivatives of sugarcane?

Half-cooked molasses are hard to digest, make the tissues exude more, cause mild increase of doshas, cleanses the urine.

Purified "jaggery" causes mild increase of Kapha, stickiness & eliminate urine & feces. Image
Sep 16, 2020 16 tweets 8 min read
The new NEP by @narendramodi govt. focuses on toys for children to nurture their creativity & innovation quotient.

This #thread reflects the concepts of ancient, traditional #toys (Krīdānaka) from the Ayurvedic scriptures- Kāśyapa Saṃhitā & Aṣṭāṅga Saṃgraha Image The word "Kumāra" itself means the one that plays.
Kaumarayati Kridati ||

The one who plays, loves/enjoys playing is Kumāra.
Play shouldn't be a break from learning, it should be the way a child learns.
Toys should be an exploration of life experiences for expressing emotions. ImageImage
Sep 2, 2020 18 tweets 7 min read
#Thread on scientificity of Ayurveda and why calling #Ayurveda a pseudoscience itself is unscientific & baseless

First let us understand what the motto of science/medicine w.r.t mankind should be.

Cc @Wikipedia

#SpeakUpVaidyas Image The aim of science is to seek the simplest explanations of complex facts.
Going by the definitions of science coined by great modern scientists of our times, let's present the pointers on evidences in Ayurvedic texts that make it a far more superior science than the world knows. ImageImage