first PC was a TRS-80, then an Atari800 - first real job was NES programming - now making and self-publishing - get my newsletter for #indiedev tips
May 25, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Why use a NFT as the star of your show vs. just drawing a cartoon on a piece of paper and owning the rights to it?
"when the actor’s NFT collection was pilfered by a scammer in early May, he lost the commercial rights to his show’s cartoon protagonist…
Disney doesn't sit around worrying
"What if some scammer steals Mickey Mouse?"
Although they do have other issues, those are because the mouse has been around a long time and they've made a lot of money off it.
WHEN will this waitlist be made available @google
Why is there no link to it?
in the coming weeks, you'll be able to join a waitlist for a no-cost option. If you take no action by Jun 1, 2022, we'll automatically transition you to the recommended Google Workspace subscription.
It's not just me
My (eric81766) personal understanding of scams and lies is that the best ones have some seeds of truth in them to get one to start going "yes" and then once there's momentum in that direction, then the misdirection comes in.…
We've reached a weird point in human history where social media companies that catch on ( -1 to MySpace and +1 to TikTok ) have enormous power. They can shape narratives by bombarding users with whatever viewpoint they select.
Way more power than kings and emperors in past had.
Feb 14, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
1) Zoë Keating story
note the parallels to #indiedev
the most fundamental shift for me came in 2003, when iTunes opened its doors to unsigned artists.
Monthly payments from iTunes have been steady ever since, and they’ve made a lot of things possible. Having iTunes as the bulk of my income has been fantastic, but it worries me to rely on it. If I have learned one thing about technology, it’s that disruptive innovations are so compelling, they can’t be stopped.
Jan 18, 2021 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
1/8 Some quick thoughts on delivering value and what is of value and to who (whom?).
A lot of indie developers make videos about indie game development -- but are the people who watch videos about indie game development the most likely customers for indie games?
Perhaps not.
2/8 Some #indiedev even go all-in on making YouTube videos and become entertainers that earn money primarily from entertaining rather than selling games.
My general quick take is:
Aug 6, 2020 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
1/ My thoughts #gamedev#indiedev#marketing
Start marketing ASAP in the process. Gather and involve fans as much as possible to get them invested.
2/ Ultimately, the audience you want to market to is your fans, but you may need to market to other audiences that are easier to find as you grow your fan audience.
Finding players is more difficult than finding developers.