erisabesu | ✨ for newest fic/thread, see pinned! Profile picture
25+ ♈ bi 🌈 she/her, ✍️ writer, let shippers ship | mostly nsfw 🔞 | minors dnf, dni | pfp: nyanayuki | header: mortalatte ⌨️Fics and 🧵Threads in moments!
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Oct 23, 2022 50 tweets 9 min read
oblivious, pining #atsuhina 💖😂

OsaAka are hosting a literary themed Halloween party, and Atsumu's /sure/ this is his chance to impress Shouyou and finally ask him out.

Shouyou once told him how he likes Zoro from One Piece, so Atsumu's pretty sure he'll dress as the swordsman for the party, and it's critical that he picks a costume that matches Shouyou's. Not only does he want to show how compatible they are, he also wants to show that he's been listening to Shouyou, for real, and takes his interests seriously enough to want to share them together.
Jul 24, 2022 65 tweets 21 min read
Ooo, this combo is fun!😏😉🧵
cw: #nsfw, omega!Atsumu, barista!Atsumu, multiple alpha boyfriends, poly office romance

By day, Atsumu's big bad Alpha boyfriends place orders for his time the way customers at the corporate high-rise coffee shop order their beverages. Atsumu always works the opening shift, brewing and serving high-end specialty roast coffee for the executives in the building along with Komori, Suna, and the shop's manager, Kita.

One by one his boyfriends come by the shop for their morning pick me up,
Jul 11, 2022 35 tweets 7 min read
#atsuhina day thread! 🦊🍊💖
briefly #nsfw, romance, humor, spycraft (😂)

Hinata introduces Atsumu to a Jam3s B0nd flick on one of their at-home movie night dates, cuddled up on the couch.

Nothing is ever the same. Atsumu becomes...obsessed. The British secret agent is undoubtedly appealing. He's suave. Charming. /Deadly./ And most importantly, he's blond - which basically makes him irresistable to men, women, and humanity.

Hinata really should have suspected where this obsession might go,
May 24, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
it's #KissDay!! how fun! let's have some #atsuhina mild #nsfw, cw hybrids, lion!hinata and fox!tsumu

In his lion form, Shouyou's tongue widens, thick and rough like the copper scruff that grows over his cheeks and chin when he hasn't shaved in a couple of days. His jaw's more pronounced, teeth elongated to sharp points. Shoulders so broad they could be photoshopped but that ripple of muscles down the slope of Shouyou's arched back all the way to his tawny tail are 💯 real.


Atsumu's the first fox ever to marry into the Hinata pride.
Apr 27, 2022 96 tweets 16 min read
#atsuhina omegaverse, sfw

hinata is a beta with a wide range of skills in his repertoire. he can do everything pretty well and lands a gig with an agency that supplies temporary workers to companies to cover the span of days one of their employees is on leave for their heat/rut. hinata's job is to smoothly fill in the gaps, and he's very, very good at it.

personal assistant out on heat leave? no problem! hinata will field your phone calls and manage your schedule like a champ, all while brewing the best coffee you've ever tasted in your life.
Mar 17, 2022 26 tweets 5 min read
#kurodai, past ushi/dai

after 2 excruciating hours at the dmv to renew his license, kuroo can't get out of there fast enough. he zips through the parking lot to the exit lane and sees the HOTTEST cop in the world come out the front doors--uniform nice and snug, muscles galore, competent walk, thick brown hair, a kind gaze that kuroo imagines can turn sharp as a katana when the need arises, the most kissable mouth--


"fuck!" kuroo shouts, slamming the brakes and lurching forward and back from the crash. he looks around wildly,
Feb 6, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
#atsuhina meet-cute, side: GinSuna
Atsumu meets his friends at the pub for Trivia night wearing his favorite Star Trek pride shirt.

Suna snerks at him. "Desperate much?"

Atsumu flicks his ear. "/No/, just hailin' on all frequencies," he retorts, thumbs in his chest, preening. + Image Suna rolls his eyes. "Sit down, nerd." Gin pulls Atsumu into a chair and they tease him about how long he's been single, sharing friendly laughter as they look over the menu.

Then the waiter comes over with a tall cold beer in his hand, setting it down right in front of Atsumu.
Dec 22, 2021 38 tweets 8 min read
#atsuhina #omegaverse
The winter of Atsumu's senior year, his family vacations in a countryside village. At the Christmas tree farm he meets a boy around his age with a smile as radiant as the sun on snow... and a powerful scent that triggers his heat.
When his suppressant doesn't work and there's no time to get help, Atsumu has to trust this redheaded alpha to knot him and dispel his heat. But he's not the only one affected--the alpha's inexplicably in rut & it takes several hours (and rounds) before their conditions subside.
Sep 10, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
#nsfw college!omigiri cw: breeding kink

osamu's dick hits just right and kiyoomi groans into the mattress, pillowcase between his teeth. his phone rings and he reaches to silence the noise but osamu smacks the back of his hand and picks it up himself, thrusts never faltering. "toya. 'sup?" osamu grunts, tucking the phone against his ear so he can cage kiyoomi on the bed and grind his full length all the way in, /deep./

kiyoomi mewls desperately, back arched and shuddering under him.

"yeah..." osamu sighs into kiyo's neck. "he can't talk right now."
Aug 5, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
#omigiri brainrot, lmao. sfw!

Since they started dating 5 months ago, Osamu has gone on about 47 dates with Kiyoomi. He keeps track of them in his secret pocket calendar that he hides in his work apron pocket by day and tucks under his pillow at night. If anyone ever found it? He'd die a /thousand deaths/ of humiliation. But he's so head over heels for Kiyoomi he can't stop himself from chronicling their romance one date at a time—he gets all flushed and fidgety to flip through the months and see all the days with red hearts
Jul 16, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
#KuroDai #nsfw (ish) AU

Every time I see s4e9 when Daichi has that anxiety dream, I think about Incubus dream demon Kuroo visiting him every night expecting to give Dai sexy dreams while he has his wicked way with him, but when he gets there Dai's in the middle of these anxiety dreams, brow furrowed, tossing and turning while imagining failing a test or the gym floor falling apart from rotten wood so they can't practice for months of repairs, or a new teacher arrives and takes over his favorite class so it's not fun anymore, or there's a mix-up
Jul 5, 2021 61 tweets 12 min read
fic thread for @dalla_nebbia ! 💖💖💖
#sakuatsu, surprise birthday date, #nsfw, fluff and sap

"Where exactly are you taking me?" Kiyoomi's brows scrunch in the middle of his forehead, watching Atsumu humming in their closet while picking out outfits for them to wear. "Yer gonna love it, don't worry," Atsumu chuckles. He holds up an old navy blue ringer t-shirt, and grins before tossing it onto the bed.

Kiyoomi eyes the two pairs of jeans already laid out on the quilt and can't help frowning when Atsumu comes out holding two pairs of Chucks,
Jul 2, 2021 96 tweets 18 min read
Thread fic for #atsuhina #侑日日和 event, Day 2: Fantasy AU ✨🧜‍♂️ (#nsfw, semi-public sex, mer!people)

Miya Atsumu /loves/ the water. Hinata hasn't been dating Atsumu that long, but he already knows this truth - Atsumu is at home in the water in a way he's never seen before.

It's wasteful, actually, how long Atsumu takes in the locker room showers, humming and grooming himself unhurriedly under the warm spray
Jun 18, 2021 60 tweets 12 min read
#nsfw #omigiri #osaomi college roommates, established relationship, stress relief, a lil romance, explicit sex, piercings.

"Goodnight," Osamu whispers, pressing a kiss into Kiyoomi's temple and briefly squeezing the back of his neck before disappearing into their bedroom. Kiyoomi's brows smoosh a wrinkle into the middle of his forehead. He watches him go from his seat at the study table amid the pile of textbooks with color-coded tabs along the edges and stacks of articles he printed at the library set on top of all his research notebooks.
Jun 8, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
#atsuhina #nsfw blowing off steam in the Olympic Village, crashing into their room and finding the nearest wall for some grinding and frot while they makeout. They're loud and very into it when they hear someone else fucking right next door on the other side of the wall. They get super turned on by this and strip their pants immediately. Atsumu slides down the wall so Hinata can get in his lap and they continue from there, panting and twining fingers together to get Hinata ready.

The other couple is getting louder and more frantic, and Atsumu
May 10, 2021 120 tweets 22 min read
#osahinaweek, osamu x hinata, blind date setup, side: sakuatsu

osamu ends the call with his twin, and collapses into his office chair, sighing in defeat. atsumu and sakusa have been pestering him to go on a blind date with some mysterious friend of theirs for a while. osamu's pissed that he caved. he's had three hookups just this week, so why the heck would he need his brother's help setting up a date? but ever since atsumu got serious with sakusa he's gotten even more annoying and osamu may have underestimated their combined powers of attack.
Mar 6, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
okay it's been a long week but just hear me out, lmao #nsfw

atsumu giving bokuto a sensual massage as foreplay and bo's back is just so stunning and atsumu is straddling him and working those muscles and he's already hard, and his dick just fits in that groove along bo's spine, and he starts some dirty talk, thrusting like he would for fucking bo's tiddies but he's hotdogging between bo's shoulderblades and okay it's a little odd but bo's muscles feel so good and his skin is so oily and warm and atsumu kinda starts to get into it, except bo's ticklish!
Feb 20, 2021 39 tweets 8 min read
Where Osamu insists on being the destination of choice for MSBY gatherings so he can keep an eye on the redhead and the tall curly-marked dude who are always circling his brother in a way that sets Osamu's teeth on edge. He's not at all sure they're good enough for Tsumu so thank goodness he's got a popular shop with delicious food so he can keep an eye on them, make sure they don't get too close to Tsumu or try any hanky-panky.

Osamu's also grateful that the team captain seems to have a solid head on his shoulders, and makes sure Meian has no
Feb 15, 2021 23 tweets 5 min read
#nsfw #omigiri #ValentinesDay

Osamu wakes up on Valentine's morning to delicious scents coming from the kitchen, and Kiyoomi's side of the bed empty and cold. Osamu tugs on some old sweats, and grabs a tank top from the dresser. It happens to be Kiyoomi's and when Osamu pulls it on over his head, it puts a happy lilt in his step as he makes his way downstairs to the kitchen, following the smell of coffee and something sweet.

"Sit there, it's almost done," Kiyoomi calls over his shoulder, but doesn't turn around when Osamu enters the kitchen.
Jan 17, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
hq national team, but they're all shapeshifters of their hs or pro team's animal mascots, and are a special ops team who gather intel and rescue wild animals by helping them escape captivity/illegal trading.

their human forms fly the helicopters and stuff, and animal forms sneak into labs/backyard breeders and use animal language to let the captives know what's going on.

weasels sakusa and komori slink into ventilation shafts with crows hinata and kags. kags blocks the security cameras with his wings while hinata clips the cords with his beak, 1 by 1.
Jan 16, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
#atsuhina #nsfw

when shouyou's in atsumu's lap, riding him on the couch or at the dinner table or on the floor in the entryway because they couldn't wait anymore, they don't stop kissing the entire time. they love to kiss, every kind of kiss, nibble, bite, lick, flourish of tongue a confession of love swept up in simmering desire.

atsumu's hands fit perfectly around shouyou's ass, following the undulations of his body and squeezing handfuls of curved muscle as shouyou rises and sinks down, over and over on his thick cock.