Stephanie Hayden Profile picture
Discussing the monarchy, politics, parliamentary affairs, and constitutional law. Lawyer.
Aug 30 6 tweets 1 min read
🧵THREAD Graham Linehan being sued by me in the High Court for defamation, harassment by publication and by proxy, misuse of private information, and breach of UK GDPR. Proceedings were issued on 3 June 2024 in the King;s Bench Division. For almost a year, I have been involved in pre-action correspondence and negotiations with Graham Linehan’s solicitors in the hope that further legal action between Mr Linehan and I could be avoided. Mr Linehan gave me written undertakings in March 2024. He has breached those.
Jun 8 13 tweets 2 min read
🧵Lots of talk @RishiSunak is about to resign as PM. If he does (BIG IF) then how would he be replaced? Worth stating immediately that PM and Tory leader are 2 different positions and constitutionally independent of each other. There is recent precedent for a PM not being leader. In June 1995 John Major resigned suddenly as Tory leader to seek re-election (under the then rules). He remained as PM during the leadership election but Iain Lang (Trade Secretary) was technically Tory leader for a period in June 1995 until Major defeated John Redwood. #GE2024
Oct 6, 2022 16 tweets 7 min read
A quick thread about the reality of organised and sustained transphobia and irresponsible reporting by organisations such as @GBNEWS. Last night around 21:45 I was just about to head to bed. A call came through from Surrey Police. They were concerned, very concerned.
Sep 26, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
This is interesting. Andrew “Free Speech Nation” Doyle (against cancel culture) appears to have cancelled me. I have never interacted with Andrew, so this is quite odd. I am sure it is nothing whatsoever to do with who I am. I did a search to see if I had said anything nasty about Andrew Doyle. During my almost 11 years on Twitter, I have referenced him a grand total of 6 times. All well within the bounds of a “Free Speech Nation” that Andrew demands weekly on GB News.
Nov 16, 2020 25 tweets 7 min read
Time to talk about purported “journalist” Joani Walsh. Members of the #transgender community will be familiar with Joani and her anti-trans rhetoric. Ms Walsh purports to be professional and objective. In sensational leaks Walsh admits to setting up sock accounts on a hate site. Leaked audio recordings expose Joani Walsh admitting to setting up sock accounts on a website of harassment and hate. Walsh admits targeting me and Lisa Muggeridge. She confesses to falling out with a social commentator, who warns Walsh to contact the hate site moderators.
Jun 21, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I owe Maria MacLachlan an apology. Maria points out that she was not stalking my Facebook profile at 3am but rather that it was at ‘About 2am’. Maria also wishes to clarify she was helping a “friend” ascertain whether there were photographs of me on my FB as woman. Maria MacLachlan also wishes to clarify that she had been drinking some wine and had “accidentally” sent me an FB friend request. She also feels it is my fault for having an FB profile in public. Any similarities with her behaviour to cyberstalking are purely conincidential.
Mar 28, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
PLEASE RT: Statement about Graham Linehan. Following discussions between the parties I can confirm that I have discontinued the High Court claim against Linehan. On 22 March 2019 Linehan’s solicitors requested that I discontinued the legal action against him. A request was made to share the costs of the action on a 50/50 basis. This request was rejected by me.
Dec 18, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
PLEASE RT: STATEMENT on Interim Injunction obtained from High Court of Justice. Today 18 December 2018 I was awarded an interim injunction prohibiting the Respondent from misgendering me, making any reference to me on social media, dead naming me, sharing information about me. The application was heard before Jason Coppel QC sitting as a Deputy Judge of the High Court and was 'on notice'. The injunction will remain in force until trial or further order and applies to the Respondent or anyone acting on the Respondent's behalf or with encouragement.
Dec 1, 2018 7 tweets 4 min read
Positive news regarding the #harassment I have received in recent weeks from #transgender hostile "feminists". Tonight I have been informed by Hertfordshire Police that they arrested a 38 year old woman from the Hitchin area on suspicion of harassment and malicious communications Following an interview whilst in custody the suspect has now been released under investigation whilst further evidence is gathered from seized electronic devices #transgender #harassment
Oct 6, 2018 7 tweets 4 min read
PLEASE RT: I want to say something about recent matters involving West Yorkshire Police, Norfolk Constabulary and me #transgender #harassment

On 2 October 2018 I attended the HQ of Norfolk Constabulary to give a statement in connection with allegations of harassment (1) I spent 5 hours providing a statement and evidence in connection with the well publicised allegations made by me to the Police concerning #transphobia. Norfolk Constabulary then liaised with West Yorkshire Police to decide how best to deal with this matter (2) #transgender
Oct 1, 2018 20 tweets 13 min read

London, Monday 1 October 2018

STEPHANIE HAYDEN SUES FATHER TED CREATOR GRAHAM LINEHAN following 5 days of targeted #harassment and a defamatory article in #TheTimes

#transgender #Law #Legal (1) #GRAHAMLINEHAN (GL) On 26 September 2018 GL retweeted (republished) a series of defamatory and harassing tweets made by an anonymous Twitter troll account known for targeting #transgender women for #harassment. (2)