Gabrielle Mayer, MD (she/her) Profile picture
Internal medicine/primary care chief resident, NYU/Bellevue • fan of primary care, podcasts & 🏳️‍🌈 health (@QueerHealthPod) • she/ella
Nov 6, 2021 28 tweets 17 min read
Hello #medtwitter!

I recently gave a talk on "feedback" to my primary care family -- er, colleagues -- at @nyulangone/@BellevueHosp.

I learned SO MUCH and think some #meded tweetorial content (🧵) is in order.

1/25 First and foremost: why does feedback matter?

For that, I'll turn to the theory of deliberative practice (ToDP).

(Which, for a TL;DR, is a great framework that helps us become experts at whatever skills we choose. Similar to M. Gladwell's 10K hours, but much cooler).

Dec 21, 2019 10 tweets 5 min read
Hey #medtwitter and #medstudenttwitter! A while ago, I gave a #dermatology presentation on the intersection of derm and #trans health.

I learned a lot. So here's a #medthread on some of the takeaways I found most valuable.

1/10 Let's start with our transfeminine pts.

Derm can provide a number of facial feminization procedures (FFP): e.g. botox, soft-tissue augmentation.

These FFPs can be more affordable/less invasive than feminizing surgeries such as forehead or mandibular contouring.

Sep 12, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
#Medtwitter, I have another good #inpatientpearl for today!

This one’s about angioedema.

(And lest you forget, I’ve included a lovely sketch of this swelling pattern, by an artist named Paul Moncus. Google is wonderful.)

1/10 Ok. Let’s say you’re called to a code for a patient with rapidly developing angioedema. On chart review, you see they’re on lisinopril and have never had any allergic reactions before.

Airway & patient stability permitting, what is ONE high-yield question you should ask?
