Julian Garritzmann Profile picture
Professor of Political Science @goetheuni Frankfurt | Political economy | Public Policy | Welfare | Education | Social investment | Parties | Public opinion
Nov 26, 2021 13 tweets 5 min read
What does the new 🚦 #Koalitionsvertrag promise in terms of #education (policy)? (from early childhood to adults)?

Quite a few remarkable things (although most of them formulated quite "fluffily" so I'm curious to see what the actual laws will look like).

(Thread) 1st, recall that actually the federal gov is constitutionally NOT supposed to engage in education policy. The subnational Länder are responsible. Over the last years, however, there has already been a federalization/nationalization trend. The Ampel clearly wants to continue
Dec 3, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
How can I read academic literature quick(er)?

Happy to share an academic #LifeHack

I talked to my students about this, today, I thought others might find it interesting, too.

I'll illustrate using a a paper by @benwansell

#AcademicTwitter #politicalscience #polsci

(Thread) Ok, let's see you open an article and you are like:

"Wait, whaaaaaaat 43 pages???"

"And it even contains maths!???!?11!"

So you can either
- switch to panic-mode
- you can drop the course & study program (please don't!)
- or you can read quicker

But how?

(2/n) ImageImage
Jan 14, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
Do parties affect public policies?

My new paper with Kilian Seng in @EJPRjournal shows that most existing studies cannot be trusted. Here’s why.

(Thread) Many studies have analyzed whether parties shape policy. In quantitative macro-comparative research, the standard is to use time-series cross-section models to annual observation data. There are tons of these studies.

(Below is an unreadable lit-review in one big table.) (2/n)