Highlights from #IGF2024 https://t.co/itjfI6yd2i. IGF Global youth leading the digital cooperation @intgovforum. Est 2011. Policy &literacy &awareness.
Nov 9, 2021 • 4 tweets • 5 min read
On October 28, @BradSmi wrote about the growing #cybersecurity skills crisis and the work done by @Microsoft to cope with the cybersecurity workforce gap namely by announcing the increase of investments in cybersecurity to avoid a lack of skilled professionals in a few years.
The importance of skilled #cybersecurity workforce is huge for the #tech sector and #IT companies. They need to ACT today, together with youth @PenningsFlorian blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2021/10/2…
Dec 15, 2020 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
The Youth IGF Movement has formed an alliance with ICANN Next-Gen and the #Swiss government to launch a series of focused youth debates on the most burning digital issues. @dw_akademie@dwnews1/4 The first series of battles will take place in 10 regions in five different languages, and will be based on the eight focus points of the UN Secretary-General Roadmap for Digital Cooperation. @UNSGdigicoop
Nov 18, 2020 • 4 tweets • 5 min read
How we steer digital tool, would determine what our #digital legacy will be. Whether it will just be a magnificent thing that benefits some or whether it will reduce inequality. Whether the majority will be left safer or more vunerable. @HochschildF@UNSGdigicoop#YouthIGF#UN
That, we would put before you as a challenge for your generation #YouthIGF, said Executives during the UN IGF @intgovforum High-Level Open Forum.
The #youth activism constitutes the vast part of our digital world.
Nov 16, 2020 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
What do you know about #cybersecurity job and how to enter this profession? Tips from top world executives to the #youth. #digital#skills#jobs#future#cybercrime4. I think most of the people now doing any sort of education, the job they will do in the future potentially doesn’t even exist, it will only be created in the future. @dws_ch
Oct 22, 2020 • 7 tweets • 8 min read
Cybersecurity job is a combination of #skills. Look around, be passioned and get the right set of values. It's not a #scary topic. Tips from #CyberSec executives to the #Youth@C_Painter@KlyngeC@MarinaKaljurand@dws_ch @DSMeu
1/1: Hello, my name is Anna and my question is the following. I would like to know whether it’s possible for those people who don’t possess some specific technical skills to still become aspecialist in cybersecurity. Thank you. @krupnik_anna