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3 subscribers
Jul 18, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read

A smol list of things @MeritCircle_IO & community has accomplished thus far in bear mkt :

- Maintained a $100m* treasury
- Grew both team/product line
- Quietly achieved rank ATH (<200)
- Flipped $ILV & $YGG (while watching countless others slow-rug, $GF, $UNIX, et)

1/... 2/

- Withstood (+grew) during targeted & coordinated FUD campaigns from high-lvl predatory VC / competitor products & accts
- Devv'ed (& will deploy) a premier nft marketplace, proprietary aggregator | @GetOnSphere
- Deployed an interactive treasury | treasury.meritcircle.io
Jun 17, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
6 Factors that show we likely ~bottomed in crypto, why we may hang around for a bit, & why you need to start paying attention ...

/* thread 1) $BTC Weekly 200 ma pierce (see every past crypto bottom, March 2020, EOY 2018, 2015)
Aug 13, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
At times like these it can be hard not to #fomo.

The market will make you feel like every dip is bought, like everything is pumping & you're missing out ... before you go ' all in ' , remember :

There will always be another opportunity.

#Bitcoin & #crypto

/1. /2.

The reality is that the majority of $BTC (& wider crypto market) 's life is spent somewhere near the logarithmic growth curve's ' buy zone ' .

Very little time comparatively is spent above it - usually during an acute mania phase, which ends with a resolution & higher low. Image
Aug 2, 2021 15 tweets 5 min read
The best analysis combines fundamental factors in its outlook.

+ bonus points for a holistic world-view

#Bitcoin & #crypto

/thread /2.


March of 2020 (pre-covid crash & around time of last $BTC halving) : hype was ~ATH, no one would have thought to call for a ~$4k price just 2 days after.

The unthinkable happened, world markets experienced a liquidity event, & that impacted the crypto market.
Jul 10, 2021 14 tweets 6 min read
Global markets will likely crash in the next ~2 months, and how I believe #Bitcoin & #crypto will be affected.

/thread /1. Unemployment Benefits Ending

Enhanced unemployed benefits for ~14m+ (in US alone) are scheduled to end completely by Sept. (~10 states have ended early).

Transfer payments are a big component of 'CARES' act that helped boost incomes above normal levels since the pandemic. Image