New Preacher translation: Changing this verse: “Jesus said, let the little children go near the men who want to have sex with them and do not hinder them as long as they don’t ACT on it, for THEIRS is the kingdom of know the pedophiles.” (See tweets for story links)
The only response when a pastor lets in a sex offender. Get rid of him immediately. The pastor AND the sex offender. Jesus is gonna have a field day and I volunteer to chum the waters when He hangs that millstone around the shark-infested waters.
Oct 9, 2019 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
Where is the holy and righteous anger? As if the gospel negates any justice and from protecting the sheep from the wolves. Can’t people see that the true shepherds take their crooks and beat the wolves. They care and are charged for the sheep. #churchtoo
This isn’t an either or issue. The gospel includes justice. As “Stranger on the Road to Emmaus” bible study pointed out, God has 2 sides, like a coin. Love & Justice. This issue at hand is the horrid ways SBC has handled abuse (Look at big names in SBC who have done wrong).
Oct 3, 2019 • 10 tweets • 6 min read
Justice and forgiveness: they don’t contradict! In Heaven, Saints don’t sin, right? But here: saints asking when God will avenge them. (Cue the psychological abuse of pastors to now say they aren’t being forgiving and Jesus loves all). #churchtoo#csa 1/6
We are born with the demand for justice when sin is done. Then along comes abusers that say, “see, you aren’t being forgiving by allowing not wanting the pedophile in the church.” 2/6