Literally Called Laura Profile picture
Woman. UK. Left. Liberationist. Women's rights are human rights. Genderwoo is regressive shite. Misogyny's misogyny, even if it identifies as progress. 🍸
Jul 10, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
A reminder to supposedly left wing #VAWG enablers who think they're progressive "because it's only terfs" being threatened with physical violence.

That word, used for ALL & ANY women you've chosen to designate and "other" as a supposedly legitimate target for male violence, for: Being a woman (female person) who stands up for women's CURRENT legal rights, as they are in the Equality Act 2010 (drawn in from earlier leg. like the Sex Discrimination Act 1974), & wishes not only to retain them, but to be included in any discussion of their potential removal
Jun 20, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
If the only people allowed to have single sex toilets are men (but not women), if the only people not permitted to have groups of their own and meet without others not in that group are women, if the only people who don't get to define themselves and are being redefined without consent or discussion are women, if the only people who you think shouldn't be allowed to speak about, write about or discuss their own CURRENT legal rights and bodies and experiences without having to include people from other groups are women and you'll even actively
Jun 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
People continuing to claim that those of us talking about and vociferously opposing the sterilisation and medicalisation of often gay children on the basis of regressively conservative pink n blue sex stereotypes being a mere "culture war" whipped up by the evil Tories are sick. Sick and stupid. Meanwhile, their "righteous" footsoldiers openly continue to threaten women with death, rape and violence for even TALKING about it. The first hand evidence is there, mountains of it, of what all these self congratulatory fake "progressives" are supporting.
Jun 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
It really isn't. What a stupid comment.

Gender ideology is people like you cheering on regressively conservative pink n blue sex stereotypes while claiming it simultaneously "escapes" the exact sex stereotypes "gc" feminists have been liberating ourselves from for years , demanding women submit to your sexist batshittery or they get violent threats (very incel), and you cheering on the sterilising of kids their homophobic parents suspect of being gay for playing with the "wrong toys" for their sex. You're regressive.
Jun 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
No children are "queer" - stop putting adult ideologies onto kids. Some kids will turn out to be gay. Some kids play with toys that adults think are for the opposite sex so decide that there must be something wrong with them (often because they're scared they're gay) and send them to gender clinics for "correction" to the opposite sex. Totally heteronormative. Strangely, you don't seem bothered about that, despite all the whistleblowers at the Tavi pointing out it's gay conversion. Why is this okay with you? Did you not read Cass?
Jun 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The question to ask is "What Are The Reasons Women & Girls Have Single Sex Spaces & Services From Which ALL Men Are Excluded?" What was the reasoning and logic (and history) behind that? Why were they fought for? (It's more than just toilets) Then apply logic and show your working as to why, if you think so, you believe SOME males should be excluded from that, in terms of those same reasons, and treated as an exception? What is your evidence for why this should be the case?
Jun 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
No, on reality and facts. You appear to be making a number of (very silly and inaccurate) assumptions. Why do we have single sex spaces & services that exclude ALL men & why were they fought for historically? (Clue: It's not just toilets, Andrea.) Now consider your evidence for why you think that TW (I'd do some research into who is actually included in this) should, on the basis of the reasons women had single sex spaces, be considered an exception to this. I'd check the crime figures. Do you get it yet?
May 14, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
The capture of institutions by this absurd, regressive & sexist ideology and the absolute rubbish they campaign for afterwards (usually going directly AGAINST their original raison d'etre and any stated values) only serves to demonstrate its utter toxicity. It's turned unions into frothing suppressors of workers rights and advocates of workplace bullying and discrimination, esp for the working classes, human rights charities into anti human rights advocates,
May 12, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Notably, it seems that students these days, especially in "feminism" (aka gender indoctrination classes) are deliberately being taught NOTHING accurate about second wave feminism or the history of women's rights legislation in order to a) keep up the pretence that gender theology is both the first time and the ONLY possible belief framework that accounts for non-adherence to gender stereotypes, despite over 100 years of women's rights activism that did exactly that, particularly a focus in the 2nd wave
Mar 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Gender zealot: Not everyone fits into gender norms you bigot! Without us, everyone would be forced to.
GC Feminist: No, we know they don't. That's why we never believed in rigid pink and blue sex stereotypes and why feminists have campaigned against them for over 70 years, &- Gender zealot (waving conservative pink and blue sex stereotype flag): Bigot! Fascist! TERF! Conservative Christian! Smash the binary!
GC Feminist: Erm, we already did. You've recreated it and sent us back over half a century & now you're promoting actual violence against women.
Mar 29, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
It seems that there are people, including supposed "investigators into VAWG" that think VAWG is completely acceptable, even morally righteous, when enacted on women who don't have what they assume is their own political purity or who might speak to or even be in the vicinity of someone they deem 'unclean'. I'm not really sure what is hard to 'get' about this. It's not about "right and left." It's about right and wrong and not enabling and excusing violence against women, regardless of their political views or others' claims about political affiliations
Mar 29, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
It strikes me how fucking clueless a lot of TRA academics (I use the term loosely) including women are about who the women who disagree with them are and what we actually believe. I just read a whole piece by a woman who proudly terf-blocks and thinks we're all evil and stupid and parochial, and yet I didn't recognise the views of the women she was describing at all as anything like my own. They're not those of most of the "terfs" I know. She's sort of magicked up this evil witch-person that she's railing against.
Mar 28, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
So. Open and frequent threats of punching (as we've seen now carried out in Auckland against elderly woman), boot-stomping, smashing women's teeth in for talking, multiple threats of rape and sexual assault and constant abusive sexual references, multiple examples of "Kill terfs" slogans, threats of decapitation, now threats of acid attacks. This is #terrorism in the form of serious #VAWG and threatening femicide.
Mar 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Oh yeah. And to anyone who is still "both sidesing" this, STOP enabling and emboldening what is now nothing but violently misogynist anti-woman terrorism. Women protesting are NOT saying anything like what these violent men are saying quite openly, and no, saying the word "NO" to men (or even calling literal men men)is not even remotely the equivalent of threatening to kill, punch, rape, stomp on, hold a knife to the throat of, shooting or decapitating. I do not care if you find someone pointing out reality upsetting.
Mar 28, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
I've probably posted my thread of images of transactivists openly calling for the murder, beating, & sexual assault of women about twenty or more times by now. They use words like "killing, stomping, punching, dead" frequently, & sexual stuff. Not ONCE have I heard a single TRA, or any of their influential allies in government or the media, condemn the violent rhetoric. I've seen praise of what happened in Auckland though. I've seen "congratulations" defamations of any and all women involved and sentiments of "she/they deserved it."
Mar 28, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
I think legal action should be taken against ALL of these men who are defaming women and inciting misogynistic hatred against them. The TRAs have for some time been OPENLY calling for women thus designated to be killed, raped, beaten, abused - even beheaded. (And no a woman saying no to you or wanting to discuss her CURRENT LEGAL RIGHTS or question a sexist, bullshit ideology that the EVIDENCE shows is deeply flawed is not "genocide" or the equivalent to literal calls for killing, beating and rape so stop pretending it is.)
Mar 27, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Our best bet is to keep on exposing people to their actual behaviour. Make it the story everywhere, so the media can't ignore it. And the guy is absolutely right. They cannot and will not debate, the police support THEM over those they are preventing from speaking. Naturally, they who are incapable of having the adult discussions with others that we need, and behave like actual zombiefied fascists while calling him a fascist. "I've been a Marxist all my life, mate." #SpeakersCorner #HumanRights #WomensRightsAreHumanRights #LetWomenSpeak
Mar 27, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
I don't have a problem at all with the concept of equality, diversity and inclusion. I'm a liberal leftie, we live in a widely diverse society, and I believe everyone in society has the right to be treated fairly and equally. I DO have a massive problem with what we're CALLING "EDI" given that it's literally nothing of the sort. If you prioritise gender zealots' demands over literally everyone else in society, you are not promoting equality, diversity and inclusion.
Mar 26, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
If you dehumanise human beings as "things" or a straw-man enemy you put into a demonised, "othered" category then make that category one that "everyone knows is bad", you make it acceptable to justify violence and, eventually, commit atrocities. That is why I am going to keep asking you a) who you think the women you call "TERFS" are and b) what they actually believe and why.
Mar 25, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Sorry, but if you "protest" at the concept of other people being allowed personal boundaries, you're a coercive control freak. If you protest because you don't think other lesbians (yes, even if you are a lesbian yourself) should be 'permitted' to have boundaries you don't, you are a control freak. Enforced "inclusion" in sexuality is rapey af. It's not freedom. Does other lesbians wanting to meet on their own have anything to do with you or affect you personally at all? No. Live and let live, butt out, do your own thing & let others do theirs.
Mar 25, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Funny how ALL of this is targeted against WOMEN, mainly older women, all over the world , and is all about suppression, with NONE of it against a) actual Nazis and other male authoritarians b) violence against women c) the underlying hatred being displayed against women again and again d) lesbophobia. Also pretty much none of this so-called "activism" ever appears targeted at making the lives of those with actual gender dysphoria or distress any easier (apart from, "how can we sterilise them more quickly,