I think of AI in journalism, looking at how it could help journalists write stories or reports they wouldn’t have had the time, tools or talent to write. For instance, @Dataphyte noted that each FAAC dataset has revenue info of 811 government units (774LGCs + 36States + FCT). 1/6
This means 800+ community-level reports (not just the raw figures) on federal revenue allocation could be distributed to readers at the grassroots.
However, we’ve seen that most newsrooms would write a maximum of 3 stories summarising the allocation. TIME is a major factor. 2/6
Jul 7, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Read an article today and I have a few thoughts on Journalism and how it can benefit from AI. #Thread
Journalists are forever change agents giving voice to the plights of the underserved and unheard. Due to this, every technological disruption has never been able to unseat them as the fourth estate. AI will be unable to unseat us, and we needn't panic.
Apr 28, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
3 things #journalism#startups need to continuously innovate are: content, distribution and revenue strategies.
It’s not enough to want to do everything, it’s how you do one well that matters for impact and scale.
Plus, #DIY articles are not enough to start your journalism business, #feasibilitystudy is key 🔑.
e.g. Who are the 1-20 clients or customers that would pay $100k annually to run my business if my running cost is $3-6 monthly?