Juan Cruz Landoni Profile picture
Ph.D. | Rollerblading mitochondriac 🔬@EPFL Lab of Experimental Biophysics | previously @HelsinkiUni 🇦🇷🇫🇮🇪🇺🇨🇭🏳️‍🌈 (he/él)
Apr 6, 2022 11 tweets 13 min read
So excited to finally share our paper, now available as a #bioRxiv preprint!

We found that enhancing #mtDNA replication can be highly deleterious, causing #Ferroptosis and neonatal 🫀#HeartDisease. 🧵thread coming soon..


#newpublication #mitochondria This project would not have been possible without the fantastic work from many people, so thank you all! @ASW_lab, @Kivela_lab, @WickstromLab, @JMitophile, @AWartiovaara et twitterless al.
@HelsinkiUniMed @helsinkiuni @HelsinkiUniMed @MitoResearch @uniofjyvaskyla @UniEastFinland