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Sep 18, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
On Friday I posted a thread on how a Citroen C15 can do almost everything a Truck/SUV can, and that men who do buy Trucks/SUVs only do so as an antidote to their insecurity.

This, unsurprisingly, has upset many of those men.

Below are some of my favourite responses:
THREAD🧵⬇ They come in many shapes and forms, firstly, the FREEDUM 'MERICA I DONT HAVE TO JUSTIFY WHAT I DO TO YOU group:
Sep 16, 2022 21 tweets 7 min read
I often hear Americans & rich brits justify buying oversized, polluting vehicles by claiming they need them because they live in the "countryside".

I call bullshit, Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce, the Citroen C15⬇ Image I grew up in highly rural France: 30 mins to nearest supermarket, many unpaved roads, really tough winters. And yet I rarely ever saw SUVs or Pick-Ups.

Because the French have understood that the C15 represents the peak of what the automobile can be. ⬇ Image
Sep 14, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
One questionable idea from #SOTEU is the proposal to intervene in the #electricity markets rather than the #gas markets.

The EU spent decades building an electricity market to foster investment in #renewables, and succeeded

Doing this will likely destroy that market (1/n) ... because investors who turned to renewables will now see their profits capped while those who focused on gas will see record profits. This is compounded by member states rush to build new gas infrastructure to replace russian gas, and the taxonomy decision (2/n)