Kirstin Ferguson Profile picture
Award-winning leadership researcher, bestselling author, and international keynote speaker. Advising global companies and senior leaders. Columnist. PhD.
Roland Gesthuizen Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 11, 2022 20 tweets 11 min read
Words matter.

I have analysed the frequency of words spoken by PM and OL over the past month (11 Apr - 11 May) from transcripts of speeches/remarks, pressers, doorstops & interviews. These are all available on each leaders' respective campaign website.

#ausvotes #auspol

PM has spoken 190,000 words during the month
OL has spoken 98,000 words during the month

The OL has spoken just over half the words of the PM in the same period of time. This covers his period in isolation due COVID.

#ausvotes #auspol

Aug 14, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
I research leadership; write about leadership; speak about leadership; coach others in leadership - you get the idea.

What I can tell you with some level of expertise & a decent dose of certainty is that we are sorely lacking leadership right now, precisely when we need it most. Our leaders could start the slow path towards building trust by being humble about what they don't know or may have misunderstood through this pandemic. They could show empathy to those they lead who are scared or anxious; who may not speak English; who may not understand at all.
Mar 1, 2021 38 tweets 15 min read
Seeing this tweet has prompted me to put my money where my mouth is around supporting women.

For #IWD2021 I plan to buy from Aussie women ... please hit me up with links for online biz'. I will share them here in a thread.

For 2021, I want to support with cash, not just words. Just ordered my first item as part of my IWD #cashnotwords pledge! Excited for my earrings to arrive @DrScienceLover - thank you!!
Jan 12, 2021 34 tweets 10 min read
This remains one of the best photos from the Trump nightmare of the last four years. Another beauty of a photo from the nightmare previously known as the Trump presidency. 🎶 One of these leaders is not like the other one... 🎶
Mar 13, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
There seems to be an inability amongst many (not just in Aust but around the world) to accept or see that extreme transparency and fearless honesty at times like this will actually reduce panic and increase trust. The traditional ways of seeking calm will not apply. There is a need to share the brutal facts with all and do so with a realistic yet confident view that we will succeed. Leadership during times of crisis require highly emotionally intelligent leaders who are self aware of the impact their words and actions have on others.
Feb 19, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
I wish I had more to say for #HannahBaxter. Thoughts and prayers just don't cut it. I hope her murder and the murder of her three children may finally prompt a reaction to throw everything we have at ending the scourge of family violence we see every single week in Australia. Every tragedy that happens means we hear a new name. We learn about a new family killed by a partner who cannot accept the breakdown of a marriage or whatever the circumstance might be. And yet, the deaths continue. Family violence continues. It is a national tragedy.