Liz LeClair (she/her) Profile picture
Fundraiser and Feminist. Advocate and Activist. Find me on Bluesky or Substack at UpRising Philanthropy. This place is the worst.
Oct 18, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Since we are heading into a provincial election 🗳️ and my MLA @TimothyHalman won’t answer the 20+ calls and emails I’ve sent him I’ll ask my questions publicly instead.

1/ Tim, when you first ran to become an MLA was your plan to intentionally ignore your constituents? Or…1/ Was that a habit you picked up once you became a cabinet minister working for @TimHoustonNS and under the watchful eye of @NicoleLaFosse?

Are you afraid of stepping out of line?

2/ what is it about my requests to meet with you at your office, at the legislature, or…
Sep 30, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Hey #halitwitter

So Morgan May and her crew of degenerates are crank calling my friend Liane because she's un-invited Riley Murphy from a debate.

She's doxxed Liane (below) and they are now calling her.

This is actual harassment of the general public.#nspoli Same shit they did to Dr. Strang and got off for.

They are claiming that @AndyFillmoreHFX is a sex trafficker. Not okay.

They are going to harass until the @HfxRegPolice or @RCMPNS hold them responsible for once.
May 29, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
So @TimHoustonNS and @TimothyHalman showed up at my friend's house this week for a "door to door" drop in.

My wonderful friend Kim told them she's extremely disappointed in their blocking of Bill 144.

Let me tell you the lies they told her to her face 1/ Lie #1: he had the nerve to tell my friend that "Liz has had a hard time" implying my advocacy with @cbmsilence is based on mental instability.

What an absolutely arrogant and disgusting trope.

A woman that disagrees with your policies can't be sane? 2/
Apr 21, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
I was starting to write a piece about how deeply entrenched misogyny is in #nspoli when B.J. opened his mouth on Thursday.

It was proof of what we’ve been saying for 3 years.

The saddest part for me is the women of the @nspc party who are participating in it as well. 🧵1/ 2022-07-28: Alan MacMaster (deputy and minister of finance) Directed at @LisaLachanceMLA

Oct 9, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
It’s far too simplistic to talk about the attacks in Israel in tweets.

What’s happening is horrific. Full stop.

For those of you who do not know about the geopolitical climate in this area this is a good primer. 👇🏻1/… It’s important to note that the region was, like much of the Western world, carved out by colonizers like Britain and other parts of Europe in response to the atrocities of WWII.

Think there’s a plan? There’s an area referred to as Churchill’s Sneeze. 2/…
Jul 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Today, a friend and former colleague and I talked about the philanthropist who sexually harassed me for 5 years.

His name and family’s name are all over the city. He’s seen as one of NS’s biggest business successes 🦞 , and he’s donated millions.

She asked “why not leave?” 🧵 Good question.

He’s donated to all three of my former employers.

His most recent gift was $20 m.

His parents’ names will be above the new cancer centre.

I have to drive past places where he sexually propositioned me regularly.

Why don’t I leave? 2/
Mar 30, 2023 31 tweets 8 min read
I am at the supply committee meeting for the department of Justice at One Government Place.

Enjoy my live tweets related to all of the departments “priorities”. 1/ The department is committed to keeping people of Nova Scotia safe!

Good to know.
Mar 29, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
TW: sexual assault and PTSD

For those of you following the work we have been doing with @ChenderClaudia and the @NSNDP on Bill 144, thank you.

I want to try and explain to you all what the last two days have been like for me - a victim of sexual assault and harassment. 🧵1/ My hands are shaking as I write this.

The last two days have been a traumatic experience. I had no concept of the hurt I have been holding inside my body over the last five years.

I came out with my story in early 2019 after the #metoo movement: 2/
Mar 28, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
We are in the house.

@ChenderClaudia is submitting it and has acknowledged our presence in the legislature. #nspoli @NovaScotiaESM is submitting a document called “combatting sexual harassment in the legislative assembly” by @EqualVoiceCA
Aug 25, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
Had the privilege of reading #WeCanDoBetter by Dr. David Goldbloom (son of Dr. Richard Goldbloom). The last chapter on #mentahealth and #homelessness should be mandatory reading @MikeSavageHFX and @nspc @TimHoustonNS. Here’s the synopsis is (thread): 200,000 people in Canada are estimated to be homeless. More than the entire population of St. John’s NFLD.

Cost per person living with mental illness (excluding medications) who are homeless: $56,000.

Homelessness is an expensive issue.
Mar 21, 2021 16 tweets 7 min read
Hi #fundraisingtwitter. Some people seem confused as to why I, and may others, consider Mr. Ahern's comments and sessions offensive. I've had some genuine questions, so let me do my best to explain here. Last month a conference called "Inspire Webinar Series" came out featuring a series of fundraising "legends". @_David_Lacey rightfully pointed out that 19 of the 22 panelists were white men. It was called out on Twitter and LinkedIn for being insulting.
Mar 19, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Okay #fundraisingtwitter, now is the time to step up. Do you care about the principles of #IDEA? Please reach out to the AFP South Sound chapter and let them know it is NOT acceptable to host this event.… @thattomahern is spending time diminishing the voices, qualifications, and validity of BIPOC fundraisers and this is unacceptable. I would implore you to reach out.