Luke Ryan Profile picture
CEO of Chaotic Good. WGA Screenwriter. Producer. World builder. Content strategist. Retired bassist. Hot Tub Time Machine Bear. Builder of wristwatches.
Aug 28, 2024 46 tweets 7 min read
Good morning writers/creators of all things (esp. beloved screenwriters).

I'd like to offer some peace of mind by sharing my theory of success in entertainment.

Here's a 🧵 I hope you find useful.

#WritingCommunity #AmWriting #screenwriting #preWGA #amquerying #writerslife Apropos of the current state of the marketplace, this is a "reboot" of a thread from a couple of years ago that I think makes even more sense now as we look at navigating a media marketplace with ever-increasing challenges as systems of evaluation, development, marketing, and distribution all evolve and scare the ever-loving shit out of the people who have managed to hold on to their jobs every time the music stops and more and more chairs are taken away inside of studios, networks, etc.
Mar 25, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Right on. 100%. I would add that the ability to make a compelling counter-argument is what leads to the creation of the most effective/credible antagonists. Basically makes it much harder to have someone who “Just Wants Power” while twirling a mustache. And then all other characters and events become variations on the theme between these two extremes.
Mar 24, 2021 45 tweets 6 min read
Some #WednesdayMotivation for #screenwriters and authors on the topic of theme. THREAD:

#amwriting #screenwriting #WritingCommunity I think this is the most important aspect of writing any sort of material while also being one of the most conceptually misunderstood. Should it be helpful, here’s how I approach it ...