if you can read this the bird site is still here Profile picture
If I blocked you while you explained you're not a bigot, I probs didn't buy it eh. he/him lyndonhood@mastodon.nz
Jul 3, 2018 8 tweets 7 min read
It's already #4thofJuly2018 here in #NewZealand and the #antifa uprising has started. A bunch of them came to my house to take my guns. When I didn't have any they got mad. They took away my wife and made me gay marry an immigrant gang instead. Don't ignore the warnings. In the street #antifa mobs are pouring biodiesel on piles of flags and using them to like giant scented-oil burners but with drums full of estrogen. I never knew people had so many flags. I guess they were keeping them in hiding. #4thofJuly2018