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Jul 4th 2018
This Fourth of July, we remember that the fight for liberty is far from over, and we're proud to be one of many organizations working to defend your rights. Here's what EFF is doing right now to defend freedom in the digital world. #4thOfJuly2018 /1
EFF helped win a major victory for digital rights when the Supreme Court agreed with—and cited—our brief in Carpenter v U.S., ruling that police should get a warrant before accessing cell phone location information /2…
EFF filed suit to stop FOSTA, the latest attempt at Internet censorship. While well intentioned, FOSTA is "written so poorly that it...criminalizes a substantial amount of protected speech &...hinders efforts to prosecute sex traffickers & aid victims." /3…
Read 13 tweets
Jul 3rd 2018
It's already #4thofJuly2018 here in #NewZealand and the #antifa uprising has started. A bunch of them came to my house to take my guns. When I didn't have any they got mad. They took away my wife and made me gay marry an immigrant gang instead. Don't ignore the warnings.
In the street #antifa mobs are pouring biodiesel on piles of flags and using them to like giant scented-oil burners but with drums full of estrogen. I never knew people had so many flags. I guess they were keeping them in hiding. #4thofJuly2018
Instead of the flag we now pledge allegiance the Mann hockey stick climate change graph. We all have to kneel in front of it and sing the anthem five times a day. The anthem now is "Girls & Boys" by Blur but with the words rewritten so it's communism. #antifa #4thofJuly2018
Read 8 tweets

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