Ajay Major, MD, MBA Profile picture
Lymphoma faculty @CUMedicalSchool. Patient-reported outcomes & #lymsm quality of life investigator. Founder of https://t.co/kN6qeGGce5 & @inTrainingDoc. 🌈
Apr 21, 2020 44 tweets 32 min read
I was feeling overwhelmed by all the laypress articles about #moralinjury and #burnout in frontline health care workers during #Covid_19 so I decided to do a deep dive into the literature on the mental health of workers during pandemics.

Here's what I found. #thread

Seriously, so many laypress articles.

What evidence do we have on this, and further, what evidence do we have on strategies that mitigate these mental health issues in health care workers?

I presented these data the @UChicagoMed @UCCancerCenter grand rounds last week.
