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Apr 12, 2023 14 tweets 9 min read
Interested in Bitcoin?

Then you need to know about Lightning Service Providers.

LSP's will onboard billions to Bitcoin over the next decade.

They're part of an emerging domain in digital finance that will reinvent payments and yield.

Here's what you should know:

🧵👇 First, full credit to @therealkingonly, who coined the term Lightning Service Provider almost three years ago.

Roy could see beyond the curve, and is building the original LSP at @Breez_Tech.

Start this off with his intro to LSPs here:…
Mar 29, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
We live in the digital age. And #bitcoin is the ultimate digital asset.

You should own and hold it free of counterparty risk. But a bitcoin-only strategy is leaving money on the table.

The answer is NOT other coins. It's bitcoin equities.

A short 🧵 on key ideas and people: First, the case for bitcoin was re-articulated by @Croesus_BTC today.

Macro's impact is less important than bitcoin's halvings.

Steadily, the investment class will realize how predictable this price discovery really is:…
Mar 1, 2023 13 tweets 6 min read
Bitcoin is an incredible technology.

But it's lacked one big thing on its path to to the world's premium monetary asset:

Return on capital.

To HODL is a virtue, but not enough. Bitcoin can use a reference rate - an APY.

And it's here - via a scaling Lightning Network: 🧵👇 Instead of any more of this thread, just go read @therealkingonly's post on this topic here.

But if you're silly, keep reading and I'll explain why I think this is such a HUGE deal - in in my own words below:…
Feb 12, 2023 18 tweets 60 min read
Energy is civilization’s foundational industry.

And bitcoin is reinventing it.

Here are the innovators you should follow in the sector that powers it all:

🧵👇 First, @ShaunEnergy.

The man's knowledge of energy markets - of their fundamentals, assets, trading - is encyclopedic.

And there's no hype. Just clear facts and solid predictions.

His appearance with @PrestonPysh is an education:…
Feb 3, 2023 13 tweets 35 min read
Bitcoin is good for the world.

And it's especially good for the developing world.

It's the first major technology in history to disproportionately help those who need it most.

And the Lightning Network is about to supercharge it all.

A short 🧵 on global #LN adoption: First off, credit to @lightning & @RyanTheGentry whose content inspired this post.

They reviewed emerging communities in LN adoption across every major continent, and I've compiled it in a thread below.

Sign up to their newsletter if you haven't yet!
Jan 13, 2023 13 tweets 31 min read
Maybe you're new to #bitcoin, or maybe you're tired of stale views and need some fresh takes.

I've spent well over 1,000 hours pouring through them.

Let me save you some time.

Here are 10 deeply informative sources of bitcoin content: Top of the list is @TheBitcoinLayer by @timevalueofbtc and @JoeConsorti.

It's a paid sub (only one on list), but Nik and Joe's blend of macro and what it means for bitcoin is the best I've seen.

So many get sensational - these guys are measured...
Mar 18, 2022 21 tweets 10 min read
“Bitcoin wastes energy.”

Actually, no.

Bitcoin is essential to spur the MASSIVE investment in clean energy production we need.

A thread on humanity's most important topic:

🧵👇 Off the top, this is all been informed by lots of reading from the people shaping this space.

Essential follows where #Bitcoin meets energy are: @nic__carter, @Crypto_Mags, @thetrocro, @LynAldenContact, @SGBarbour, @AB_Brammer, @btc_buddhist, @ShaunEnergy and many more...
Feb 13, 2022 14 tweets 8 min read
You’ve heard of the #LightningNetwork by now.

But have you seen it?

There's a gorgeous range of tools that visualize Lightning’s status and growth... here's an attempt to compile a few of them.

It turns out the internet's money can be overlaid on the world with great beauty: A quick note off the top - if you run a Lightning node this is probably all old hat.

If you don’t, it may be reason to get one! Check out @getumbrel for the easiest way to get started.

Also, many nodes remain private, so everything below is just a portion of totals.
Feb 11, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I’ve felt displaced amid several relationships of late.

You probably have too. We live in this time of deep politicization.


Because our society's values and institutions are either shifting or failing. Everyone can feel it, and it's unsettling.

Here's how to respond: First: what's going on? it’s a human instinct to grab on more tightly to what we know.

Your world view is your anchor amid a shifting tide.

And many want to project their beliefs. They want more than an anchor - they want a battleship to stop the tide. But that won't work.
Feb 9, 2022 13 tweets 6 min read
Do you believe Bitcoin will be the internet’s dominant currency? Then you need to know about Lightning Service Providers...

LSP's will make it possible to onboard billions to Bitcoin over the next decade.

The Lightning Economy is launching! Here’s what you need to know:

🧵👇 First, full credit to @therealkingonly who coined the term Lightning Service Provider almost three years ago. Roy has shaped this space and could see well ahead of the curve.

Start this off with reading his intro to LSPs here:…
Jan 30, 2022 13 tweets 8 min read
"Bitcoin only helps right-wing, privileged, 'crypto bros'".

Um, no.

Bitcoin will disproportionately benefit Africa and the African people.

But don’t take my word for it - here’s a collection of amazing African leaders building a Bitcoin economy, and why they’re doing it: Full credit and thanks to @ndesanjo for inspiring this thread through his insightful article here. Read it for an excellent intro summary.

We’ll get to remittances, but also purposefully leave them last. On to the builders!…
Jan 15, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
“Bitcoin is cool and all, but governments and the system will never allow it.”

I’ve heard this so many times, and it’s wrong.

Here are 5 reasons why governments the world over will soon welcome #Bitcoin: 1/ Western governments are going broke.

“In every country and era, runaway deficits and skyrocketing debt have ended in economic stagnation or ruin.” @Avik

It’s only a matter of time before the Treasury buys recent history's best returning asset:…
Jan 15, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I recently set out to learn how #Bitcoin can help build the common good, in addition to supporting individual freedom.

I'm sharing what I learn - follow along if you share these interests.

Here are threads that have resonated: 1/ Curious about Bitcoin, but don't know where to start?

10 great pieces of content to launch you on your Bitcoin journey:

Jan 14, 2022 14 tweets 7 min read
“Bitcoin already consumes as much energy as a mid-sized country - it will accelerate climate change and destroy the planet.”


Bitcoin will be a major force for good in the fight against climate change.

Here are 5 reasons why: 🧵👇 Quick context:

I believe the threat of climate change is real and urgent. I helped pass a carbon tax in Canada and believe in climate action.

And I think Bitcoin is a crucial part of a greener future.

Here are the 5 reasons:
Jan 13, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
This @tomaspueyo piece is awesome and visionary.

Everyone interested in #Bitcoin and #web3 should read it.

But I want to tug on a short thread. 👇

Help me understand why many argue Bitcoin creates trust.… Tomas says this, about the promise of blockchain:

"Historically, how did you trust that your cab was legit? 🚕🚕 Because it had a license. From the government.

How did you know to eat in that restaurant? Because it was certified to be safe. By the government. 👨‍🍳👩‍🍳"
Jan 4, 2022 16 tweets 12 min read
1 | So you've heard of the #LightningNetwork... now you want to see real applications of it in practice.

Fair enough. Here are 14 examples of amazing products being built on Lightning right now.

Read on to see why #Bitcoin’s Layer 2 is the next big thing in finance & tech: 2 | First, a quick thanks!

Much of this info comes from the folks at @lightning and their packed December newsletter, as well as lots of time on Twitter (essentials: @therealkingonly, @RyanTheGentry and @starkness, @MaxAWebster, and @kerooke).

And so many terrific podcasts.
Jan 3, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto published the white paper that introduced Bitcoin.

The paper’s opening paragraph proves that Bitcoin, measured against Satoshi’s aim, is a failure.

But that's about to change.

Here are 5 facts about the #LightningNetwork for newbies: Satoshi's writing is clear:

Bitcoin was invented to be an electronic cash in need of no third party (like a bank). It would make digital transactions cheaper, safer and more effective.

Read the opening paragraph for yourself here: