nicholas potter Profile picture
journalist/editor @tazgezwitscher • intl. correspondent: @stiftelsenexpo • winter 2024/25: IJP fellow @jerusalem_post • book: judenhass underground
May 23, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
fighters from the pro-ukrainian russian volunteer corps, headed by russian neo-nazi denis kapustin/nikitin, have allegedly crossed into russia to “free” a village in belgorod. this follows similar incursions earlier this year.… once again, the “revolution” was televised, with russian neo-nazi alexey levkin (wotanjugend + frontman of NSBM-band M8l8th) posing for selfie videos from the front, proclaiming russia’s border broken.
May 17, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
ein abend mit roger waters in der mercedes-benz-arena. kein gegenprotest, nur vereinzelte BDS-unterstützer. drinnen über die anlage eine ansage von herrn waters: “the show will start in 10 minutes. and a court in frankfurt has ruled that i am not an antisemite”. die arena jubelt. ImageImage was an roger waters problematisch ist, habe ich bereits im märz in diesem artikel beschrieben:…
Mar 3, 2022 18 tweets 9 min read
#Putin’s war against #Ukraine has divided the far right in Germany. Some show solidarity with the Ukrainian people & are sharing information on how to sign up w/ the far-right #Azov battalion. Others sympathise with Putin & buy into Kremlin propaganda. 🧵 Thread 1/18 A case in point is the #AfD: the party has often been very sympathetic with Putin. But party leaders Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla have now clearly denounced the Russian invasion, saying it cannot be justified and Russia must withdraw its troops immediately. 2/18 Image
Aug 22, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
29 years ago, racist, far-right riots broke out in the north-german city rostock, lasting for days. a violent mob threw petrol bombs + stones at sunflower tower, an apartment block where asylum seekers were housed. 1000s of neighbours stood by + applauded. police retreated. 1/9 conditions in sunflower tower were appalling: the shelter was intended to house 350 refugees a month but actually averaged 11,500 (primarily roma but also vietnamese refugees). people were left to camp outside the building without toilets, water or rubbish collection. 2/9
Oct 9, 2020 13 tweets 9 min read
@liebig34bleibt, an anarcha-fem-queer squat in berlin, is currently being evicted after 30 years - with 5000 police, tanks, saws, water canons and a heavily armed SEK unit / THREAD
#liebig34 #liebig34stays #b0910 #Liebig34verteidigen the building is home to around 40 women, non-binary and trans-identifying people - marginalized groups who will loose the roof over their heads in the middle of a pandemic
#b0910 #Liebig34verteidigen