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Jul 9, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Studying "war fatigue", I wonder what the difference is between the fatigue of people who live through war and those who observe it from a distance. Image While the former experience physical and mental fatigue, the latter suffer from *ennui*, which literally means fatigue from boredom and lack of excitement. Fans of Inside Out 2 will recognise this character.
May 17, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
Дивилася вчора виставу Putinprozess. Там була одна сцена: українська мисткиня під час дискусії на німецькій події намагалася донести думку, що російська культура має прямий зв‘язок з воєнними злочинами. Така дуже типова ситуація зараз. Модератор (нім) не давав їй договорити, а перекладач все, що переклав з її пасажу —щось типу «розкажу вам за культуру». І все.

Це була частина п‘єси. Але найцікавіше сталося в залі і ніби продовжило саму постановку. Саме в цей момент людей 10 (іноземців) масово встали і вийшли.
May 16, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
For the context: It was agreed beforehand that there will be no Russians speaking at the event. Orgs had choice: to invite Russians or Ukrainian, including two military men. Orgs decided on the 1st opt, but a last minute event with Russian speakers appeared in the programme. A Ukrainian writer Iryna Tsilyk, who was one of the speakers, wrote that there were no intentions to cancel Russian speakers or "blackmail" anybody. «We warned the festival that we can not break our principles. Moreover, it all was agreed before». ImageImageImage
May 6, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
If you’re wondering how russian propaganda penetrates European societies, here is a fact:

Prilepin‘s boorks have been translated into ~ 25 languages. All of them are available in French. It is easy to buy them on Amazon.

Take a look at the foreword’s author👇 Image Even if he will not survive the car accident, his books are still around the world and, first of all, have an impact on russians — either inside or outside the country.
Apr 16, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
What an arrogant article on decolonisation of Russian literature. Since it includes so many references to Ukrainians, I can‘t ignore it.

The main point of this article is that we, first of all Ukrainians, got Pushkin wrong and there is „another Pushkin“.… The author’s argument that Pushkin‘s image was mythologized has the right to exist. But it should not shift the focus and depreciate the conversation around Russian neo-imperialism and instrumentalization of its culture to conduct genocide.
Dec 6, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
The case of revoking the @tvrain licence in Latvia is a crucial step to recognise the hybrid impact of Russian narratives in Europe. It would be also a test whether EU-partners take Latvia’s security concerns serious enough not to provide a platform for this kind of “journalism” .@NEPLPadome decision was based on violations:
- no subtitles in state language (!)
- showing Crimea as part of russian territory
- referring to the Russian army as "our army" and expressing support for it
- other info received from the State Security Service, was not disclosed.
Jun 25, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ A director of the Hermitage Museum Mikhail Piotrovsky gave an interview admitting "imperial tradition" and "self-affirmation of nation" as justified reason for war. I would like to see the reaction of the Europan cultural institutions on this interview.… 2/ Piotrovsky repeatedly calls russian exhibitions abroad to be a "cultural invasion". E.x., "Our last exhibitions abroad are powerful cultural invasion. So called special operation. Many do not like this. But we invade. Noboby can stop us".
May 5, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
I see my point about Shulman’s interview needs more explanation. It is not only about Shulman, or one interview, or 2 minutes “out or context”. It is the whole discourse of the Russian opposition.… They can oppose war now after 24.02, even after invasion of Donbas, but it does not mean they are willing to accept status quo as for 2014, before the annexation of Crimea. We have enough examples. Here is Navalny who strives to "normalize“ the annexation:
May 4, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Any talks with Russians are possible only after their acceptance of responsibility for war. For me, Crimea and Donbas is a litmus test. If Russians do not agree that the territories should be back to Ukraine asap and the contribution should be paid, there is no grounds for talks. The only closest attempt to raise the issue of collective responsibility in Russian society was this article that was largely criticised both by Putin’s regime and by liberal opposition. They are now willing to see their guilt in what is happening.…
May 4, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
1/11 It’s huge! Declassified archives reveal new facts on 🇩🇪 #Ostpolitik. It shows that the enlargement of NATO and independence of Ukra🇺🇦 not in interests of Germany in 1991. Curious to read this in the context of the war and 🇩🇪's dependence on Russia. 2/11 In 1991, German chancellor Helmut Kohl found himself faced with the three Baltic republics pushing for independence and seeking to leave the Soviet Union. He felt they were on the "wrong path”. Kohl, of course, had rapidly moved ahead with Germany’s reunification.
May 3, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Poland is welcoming country for Ukrainians, but not for pregnant women. While Russia uses largely rape as a weapon, Polish laws forbid abortion. Reading this makes me literally trembling.

thanks @hannakozlowska for voicing this… Rape is an exception case, but it requires prosecutor’s proof of the crime. It rarely happens — In 2018, only one abortion on this ground was carried out in Poland, and 3 cases in 2019.
May 1, 2022 9 tweets 8 min read
1/9 Lyubov Panchenko, a prominent Ukrainian visual artist, passed away yesterday at 84. The best way to pay a tribute to the great artist is to learn more about her life path and precious art. The easiest way to support #UkrainainCulture during war is to reveal it for yourself. ImageImage 2/9 Panchenko was one of the Sixtiers — generation of the Ukrainian intellectuals who appeared on the cultural scene during the Khrushchev Thaw when the censorship and repression of the Soviet totalitarianism were eased. ImageImageImage
Apr 22, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Another shocking numbers. 1,4 mln people are living without running water in 🇺🇦 regions mostly affected by war. Additional 4,6 min people across Ukraine do not have access to safe water due to the water network and power cuts. Source: @unicef /1

📷 @libkos Numerous water pipes have been damaged and can not be repaired because of constant shelling. Reportedly some were shot dead while standing in line for water (and other humanitarian aid). /2
Apr 22, 2022 15 tweets 5 min read
About 500 000 of Ukrainians were deported to Russia for only 2 months. Some of them are on their way to labour camps like Gulag. Russians want to use them to build new cities in Siberia. Their passports taken away. Some of people managed to escape to the 3rd countries. /1 Among deported — 121 000 children. They are to be illigally adopted by Russian families. Russia want them to forget their origins, family, language. Either in schools or in Russians‘ homes they will be subjected to Russian propaganda. /2
Mar 17, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
[thread] 1/ #Russia uses in #Ukraine the same strategy as it used in #Syria — attacking fleeing civilians, controlling humanitarian corridors, bombing hospitals and spreading disinformation. Useful insights from @TheSyriaCmpgn Image 2/ Image