oudekaas Profile picture
Oct 7, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
@MacaesBruno @MacaesBruno your essay mentions:”The purpose is to make block creation—the process by which new transactions are successively added to the ledger—computationally difficult. In Bitcoin, this consists of solving a completely unpredictable pseudorandom function through trial...” @MacaesBruno It isn’t just block creation it is the distribution of blocks to other miners that is of equal importance. Check whitepaper.
Jun 26, 2019 23 tweets 6 min read
If you struggle to understand which Bitcoin is what, check with Satoshi!
Satoshi mentioned that templates can be added in the future for more transaction types! He saw no limitations in blocksize nor in sorts of transactions!
bitcointalk.org/index.php?topi… To Gavin he mentioned that the design had to be locked down!
That lockdown is part of why Bitcoin is decentralised! Nothing in the crypto space today is locked down! BsV will be once they are ready to do so, protecting it’s core design from v0.1!
Satoshi said official version!
Jun 25, 2019 13 tweets 4 min read
#bsv #bitcoin #craigissatoshi
Remember the locked in Bitcoins of Satoshi?

You may want to read this and question yourself what world do you want to live in!

BTC is greed, BCH is anarchism, BSV is Bitcoin!

Learn, teach, create, build, back the power of honest money! Bitcoin is brought back by Satoshi, it functions as Satoshi envisioned it. It is because Satoshi is Craig Wright!
Decentral (meaning no people exerting power), simple, secure, capable of doing anything, thrives on competition and work!
Miners are the guardians of Bitcoin,
Jun 10, 2019 9 tweets 6 min read
@jxelsson @C_Bendiksen No sir..... whether you believe it can be locked down for the rest of it’s lifetime does not matter, I have given you examples and there are many that show protocols can be untouchable for decades. If and only if there is a requirement for good reason, (better security) it @jxelsson @C_Bendiksen requires unanymous agreement. Satoshi said it, it is why he designed everything beforehand such that it could be locked down.
Sure you don’t think Satoshi is right, well nobody cares what you think. It was Satoshi’s creation he had an official version, he didn’t want it forked!
May 2, 2019 60 tweets 14 min read
Craig Wright’s side of the courtcase. Those who don’t believe Craig need to assume, Craig emailed Louis Kleiman (father of Dave), to tell him his son Dave was involved in the creation of Bitcoin, because he needed Dave to be part of his story coming out as Satoshi.......