1/ I am officially shifting my attention to the anti-corruption and election reform movement.
Without election integrity, none of our candidates would become the nominee or president.
Bernie, Stein and Tulsi are just 3 leaders.
2/ They have their own mission and career path towards their mission.
Stein is an activist. Bernie is doing his progressive wing thing. Tulsi’s dream is to become a commander-in-chief.
Mar 19, 2020 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
1/ .@TulsiGabbard's announcement: ★ The best way I can be of service at this time is: ✪ to continue to work for the health & well-being of the #People of Hawaii & our country in #Congress; ✪ to stand ready to serve in uniform should the Hawaii #NationalGuard be activated
@TulsiGabbard 2/ …★ Democratic Primary #Voters have chosen Biden to be the person who will take on Trump; ★ I may #Not agree with Biden on every #Issue, but I’m confident that he will lead our country guided by the spirit of #Aloha...
Feb 23, 2020 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
1/ Carl: "What are some of the techniques you use to help deal with difficult people, still get your message across & accomplish your goal?" @TulsiGabbard: "Thinking of who it is you're fighting for..."
@TulsiGabbard 2/ .@TulsiGabbard: "... Leading with #Aloha allows you to get past 'I'm so offended, why are you hurting my feelings?' That's not what it's about. You can call me any name. I don't care. 'Cause it's not about me..."
Feb 22, 2020 • 19 tweets • 19 min read
1/ “Even if a new president proposes sweeping reforms, Congress would block or severely #weaken them. In #foreignpolicy, however, a new president could reshape the world with a few strokes of the pen. @StephenKinzer@stephenkinzer 2/ “A president could bring the U.S. back into the Iran nuclear deal; lift sanctions on Venezuela; offer to begin peace talks with Russia & China; pull American troops out of the ME; stop promoting the overthrow of foreign governments @StephenKinzer
Feb 12, 2020 • 14 tweets • 8 min read
1/ #Tulsicrats, we’ve learned from the NH primary that we have built a strong foundation & that our leader @TulsiGabbard is uniquely talented at running a lean campaign.
@TulsiGabbard 2/ Other candidates spend a lot & they will inevitably drop out if their spending doesn’t bring results by or before Super Tuesday. We, tens of thousands of diehard #Tulsicrats support @TulsiGabbard, not because she's popular, but because we believe in her.
Feb 3, 2020 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
⚠️ #Iowa4Tulsi#IowaForTulsi ✅ Go EARLY ❇️ If they tell you there are too many people inside, do NOT leave! ❇️ If you are told they (1/7)
are relocating the venue, stick around, & be sure other people are (actually) going to this new venue. ✅ Do NOT leave ❇️ If you go (2/7)
Jun 23, 2019 • 16 tweets • 10 min read
#Rational thinking is the ability to consider the #Relevant variables of a situation and to access, organize, and analyze #Relevant information to arrive at a #Sound conclusion. Confine oneself to the facts as they are. Do not add to it with your #Bias.
@TulsiGabbard was referring to this one incident only: at a fundraiser in New York on Tuesday night June 18, 2019, Biden tried to back up his claim that one of his greatest strengths was to “bring people together.” 1/